
A highly customizable ActionSheet component which can be used in iOS and Android platform.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A highly customizable ActionSheet component which can be used in iOS and Android platform.

Introduction Blog in Chinese:掘金:结合一个开源的底部弹出菜单组件来讲一下如何封装一个React Native组件

default style:

customized iOS style:

customized other style:


npm install react-naive-highly-customizable-action-sheet


1. Import component

import ActionSheet from 'react-naive-highly-customizable-action-sheet'

2. Custom and show

Example 1:

   mainTitle="There are three ways to contact. Please choose one to contact."
   itemTitles = {["By phone","By message","By email"]}
   selectionCallbacks = {[this.clickedByPhone,this.clickedByMessage,this.clickedByEmail]}
   mainTitleTextAlign = 'center'
   ref={(actionsheet)=>{this.actionsheet = actionsheet}}
//show ActionSheet

//callback 1
   alert('By Phone');

//callback 2
    alert('By Message');

//callback 3
    alert('By Email');


    mainTitle="There are three ways to contact. Please choose one to contact."
    itemTitles = {["By phone","By message","By email"]}
    selectionCallbacks = {[this.clickedByPhone,this.clickedByMessage,this.clickedByEmail]}
    mainTitleTextAlign = 'center'
    contentBackgroundColor = '#EFF0F1'
    bottomSpace = {10}
    cancelVerticalSpace = {10}
    borderRadius = {5}
    sideSpace = {6}
    itemTitleColor = '#006FFF'
    cancelTitleColor = '#006FFF'
    ref={(actionsheet)=>{this.actionsheet = actionsheet}}


  • itemTitles(Array):titles of all selection items

  • selectionCallbacks(Array):callbacks of all selection items

  • mainTitle(String):main title text

  • mainTitleFont(Number):main title text font

  • mainTitleColor(String):main title text color

  • mainTitleHeight(Number):main title cell height

  • mainTitleTextAlign(String):main title text align

  • mainTitlePadding(Number):main title padding

  • itemTitleFont(Number):item text font

  • itemTitleColor(String):item text color

  • itemHeight(Number):item cell height

  • cancelTitle(String):cancel text,default is 'Cancel'

  • cancelTitleFont(Number):cancel text font

  • cancelTitleColor(String):cancel text color

  • cancelHeight(Number):cancel cell height

  • hideCancel(Bool):if hide cancel cell (default is no)

  • fontWeight(String):all text fontWeight (default: title and item text fontWeight is 'normal', cancel text fontWeight is 'bold' )

  • titleFontWeight(String):title text fontWeight

  • itemFontWeight(String):item text fontWeight

  • cancelFontWeight(String):cancel text fontWeight

  • contentBackgroundColor(String):all cell background color (default is white)

  • titleBackgroundColor(String):title cell background color (default is white)

  • itemBackgroundColor(String):item cell background color (default is white)

  • cancelBackgroundColor(String):cancel cell background color (default is white)

  • itemSpaceColor(String):seperate line color between item cells

  • cancelSpaceColor(String):seperate line color between last item cell and cancel cell

  • itemVerticalSpace(Number):distance between item cells

  • cancelVerticalSpace(Number):distance between last item item cell and cancel cell

  • bottomSpace(Number):distance between screen bottom and cancel cell (default is 0)

  • sideSpace(Number):distance between content edge and screen edge (default is 0)

  • borderRadius(Number):border radius of content (default is 0)

  • maskOpacity(Number):opacity of mask (default is 0.3)

Highly customizable


All source code is licensed under the MIT License.