
Primary LanguagePython


Create a Discord bot self-hosted on AWS Lambda.

Right now, this bot responds to commands like /askmike question:Should I go outside today? with 8-ball style responses like

preraku: Should I go outside today?
MIKE: It's not gonna go down like you think it is.

You will need the following developer resources which can be obtained from https://discord.com/developers/applications by creating an application and then creating a bot for the app:

  • An application ID
  • A bot that is associated with the application
    • with a PUBLIC_KEY
    • with a TOKEN

You will need to register your slash commands and their options manually via an HTTP request. The Python code in update_commands/main.py will help with this. The Discord Application Commands documentation can help explain some of this. Once you update update_commands/main.py with your bot token, app id, etc., you can run the code after installing the dependencies (the requests library). You can do this by running python -m pip install -r requirements.txt. See here for more info on managing dependencies: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/venv.html#managing-packages-with-pip.

Run the following command to get an AWS Lambda compatible PyNaCl library. This library is used to cryptographically sign and return Discord requests.

$ pip3 install --platform manylinux2014_aarch64 \
             --target=python/lib/python3.9/site-packages \
             --implementation cp \
             --python 3.9 \
             --only-binary=:all: \
             --upgrade PyNaCl
$ zip -r pynacl_layer.zip *

This will produce a pynacl_layer.zip file which should be uploaded as a layer. You can do this directly in the AWS Console Lambda Layers page. Make sure to select arm64 as a compatible architecture and python3.9 as the compatible runtime. The naming, license and description are not important and can be set to whatever is convenient.

Create a Lambda function via the AWS Console Lambda Functions page with the following information:

  • Runtime: Python 3.9
  • Architecture: arm64
  • A "Function URL". This is the endpoint that Discord will call when your application is called by a user.
    • Auth type: NONE
    • Check off "Configure cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)"
    • Allow Methods: GET, POST, PUT, HEAD

The code from bot/main.py can now be dropped into the code of the newly created Lambda function. Remember to update the PUBLIC_KEY value and to click Deploy to fully save your changes.

pynacl_layer.zip can now be added to your Lambda function's Layers under "Custom Layers."

The function URL can be found under the Configuration->Function URL tabs.

When adding the bot to a server/guild, re-visit https://discord.com/developers/applications, find your app, then the OAuth2 URL Generator within it and check off application.commands before retrieving the generated URL. This URL will allow anyone with admin permissions on a server to add the bot to that server.