Right now, this bot responds to commands like /askmike question:Should I go outside today?
with 8-ball style responses like
preraku: Should I go outside today?
MIKE: It's not gonna go down like you think it is.
You will need the following developer resources which can be obtained from https://discord.com/developers/applications by creating an application and then creating a bot for the app:
- An application ID
- A bot that is associated with the application
- with a PUBLIC_KEY
- with a TOKEN
You will need to register your slash commands and their options manually via an HTTP request. The Python code in update_commands/main.py
will help with this. The Discord Application Commands documentation can help explain some of this. Once you update update_commands/main.py
with your bot token, app id, etc., you can run the code after installing the dependencies (the requests
library). You can do this by running python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
. See here for more info on managing dependencies: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/venv.html#managing-packages-with-pip.
Run the following command to get an AWS Lambda compatible PyNaCl
library. This library is used to cryptographically sign and return Discord requests.
$ pip3 install --platform manylinux2014_aarch64 \
--target=python/lib/python3.9/site-packages \
--implementation cp \
--python 3.9 \
--only-binary=:all: \
--upgrade PyNaCl
$ zip -r pynacl_layer.zip *
This will produce a pynacl_layer.zip
file which should be uploaded as a layer. You can do this directly in the AWS Console Lambda Layers page. Make sure to select arm64
as a compatible architecture and python3.9
as the compatible runtime. The naming, license and description are not important and can be set to whatever is convenient.
Create a Lambda function via the AWS Console Lambda Functions page with the following information:
- Runtime:
Python 3.9
- Architecture:
- A "Function URL". This is the endpoint that Discord will call when your application is called by a user.
- Auth type:
- Check off "Configure cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)"
- Allow Methods:
- Auth type:
The code from bot/main.py
can now be dropped into the code of the newly created Lambda function. Remember to update the PUBLIC_KEY
value and to click Deploy
to fully save your changes.
can now be added to your Lambda function's Layers under "Custom Layers."
The function URL can be found under the Configuration->Function URL tabs.
When adding the bot to a server/guild, re-visit https://discord.com/developers/applications, find your app, then the OAuth2 URL Generator within it and check off application.commands
before retrieving the generated URL. This URL will allow anyone with admin permissions on a server to add the bot to that server.