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Welcome to the Brand Metadata and Voucher Management Dashboard! This dashboard provides a comprehensive solution for managing brand metadata and vouchers, facilitating efficient organization and manipulation of essential data. Elevate your brand management game with our all-in-one solution, streamlining metadata and voucher handling for effortless organization and optimization of vital information.
- Brand Name Search: Effortlessly locate brands by their name using the search feature.
- Brand Category Selection: Utilize a multi-select option with integrated search functionality to filter brands by category.
- Brand Status Filtering: Easily filter brands based on their status (active, inactive, etc.) using a dropdown menu.
- Minimum Voucher Expiration Date: Define the minimum expiration date for vouchers with a convenient input field.
- Minimum Voucher Discount Percentage: Set the minimum discount percentage for vouchers using a dedicated input field.
- Column Visibility Toggle: Customize your table view by toggling the visibility of columns, excluding the brand name, with a checkbox list.
- Rows per Page Control: Tailor your viewing experience by selecting the desired number of rows to display per page from a dropdown menu.
- Pagination: Seamlessly navigate through multiple pages of brands and vouchers for enhanced usability.
- URL-Based Filtering: Leverage URL parameters to effortlessly apply specific filters and configurations, ensuring a personalized experience.
Brand Management:
- View: Gain insights into brand details and imagery effortlessly.
- Create: Introduce new brands into the system with ease, including image upload functionality.
- Update: Modify existing brand information seamlessly, including logo updates.
- Delete: Remove brands from the database effortlessly, ensuring data cleanliness.
Voucher Management:
- View: Explore voucher details and associated imagery effortlessly.
- Create: Generate new vouchers effortlessly, complete with image upload capabilities.
- Update: Modify existing voucher details seamlessly, including banner updates.
- Delete: Remove vouchers from the database with ease, maintaining data integrity.
Data Insights:
- Metrics Overview: Access key metrics such as total brands, active/inactive brands, total vouchers, expired vouchers, and more for comprehensive data insights.
Follow these steps to set up and run the Brand Metadata and Voucher Management Dashboard locally:
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd brand-hubblemoney-assignment
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Set Environment Variables: Create a
file in the root directory and define the following environment variables:NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL=<your-api-base-url> NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY=<your-api-anon-key> SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY=<your-service-role-key>
Start the Development Server:
npm start
Access the Dashboard: Open your web browser and go to
to access the dashboard.
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
Primary Key |
Unique identifier for the brand. |
name |
Text |
Name of the brand. |
description |
Text |
Description of the brand. |
category |
Text |
Category of the brand (e.g., Groceries, Fashion, Beauty, Travel). |
logo_path |
Text |
Path to the logo image of the brand. |
status |
Text |
Status of the brand (e.g., Active, Inactive, Verified). |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
Primary Key |
Unique identifier for the voucher. |
brand_id |
Foreign Key |
Identifier linking the voucher to its respective brand. |
banner_path |
Text |
Path to the banner image of the voucher. |
discount_percentage |
Number |
Percentage discount offered by the voucher. |
expiration_date |
Timestamp |
Expiration date of the voucher. |
faq |
Array of objects containing FAQs related to the voucher. |
highlights |
Array of objects containing highlights (title and text) of the voucher. |
If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at