
Transforming Shopping Experience: Get discounts, Save, Invest!

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Hubble Money Dashboard

Transforming Shopping Experience: Get discounts, Save, Invest!
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Welcome to the Brand Metadata and Voucher Management Dashboard! This dashboard provides a comprehensive solution for managing brand metadata and vouchers, facilitating efficient organization and manipulation of essential data. Elevate your brand management game with our all-in-one solution, streamlining metadata and voucher handling for effortless organization and optimization of vital information.





  • Brand Name Search: Effortlessly locate brands by their name using the search feature.
  • Brand Category Selection: Utilize a multi-select option with integrated search functionality to filter brands by category.
  • Brand Status Filtering: Easily filter brands based on their status (active, inactive, etc.) using a dropdown menu.
  • Minimum Voucher Expiration Date: Define the minimum expiration date for vouchers with a convenient input field.
  • Minimum Voucher Discount Percentage: Set the minimum discount percentage for vouchers using a dedicated input field.
  • Column Visibility Toggle: Customize your table view by toggling the visibility of columns, excluding the brand name, with a checkbox list.
  • Rows per Page Control: Tailor your viewing experience by selecting the desired number of rows to display per page from a dropdown menu.
  • Pagination: Seamlessly navigate through multiple pages of brands and vouchers for enhanced usability.
  • URL-Based Filtering: Leverage URL parameters to effortlessly apply specific filters and configurations, ensuring a personalized experience.

Brand Management:

  • View: Gain insights into brand details and imagery effortlessly.
  • Create: Introduce new brands into the system with ease, including image upload functionality.
  • Update: Modify existing brand information seamlessly, including logo updates.
  • Delete: Remove brands from the database effortlessly, ensuring data cleanliness.

Voucher Management:

  • View: Explore voucher details and associated imagery effortlessly.
  • Create: Generate new vouchers effortlessly, complete with image upload capabilities.
  • Update: Modify existing voucher details seamlessly, including banner updates.
  • Delete: Remove vouchers from the database with ease, maintaining data integrity.

Data Insights:

  • Metrics Overview: Access key metrics such as total brands, active/inactive brands, total vouchers, expired vouchers, and more for comprehensive data insights.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up and run the Brand Metadata and Voucher Management Dashboard locally:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/prerana1821/hubblemoney-assignment.git
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    cd brand-hubblemoney-assignment
  3. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Set Environment Variables: Create a .env file in the root directory and define the following environment variables:

  5. Start the Development Server:

    npm start
  6. Access the Dashboard: Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to access the dashboard.

Built With

Supabase Table Details

Brands Table

Parameter Type Description
id Primary Key Unique identifier for the brand.
name Text Name of the brand.
description Text Description of the brand.
category Text Category of the brand (e.g., Groceries, Fashion, Beauty, Travel).
logo_path Text Path to the logo image of the brand.
status Text Status of the brand (e.g., Active, Inactive, Verified).

Vouchers Table

Parameter Type Description
id Primary Key Unique identifier for the voucher.
brand_id Foreign Key Identifier linking the voucher to its respective brand.
banner_path Text Path to the banner image of the voucher.
discount_percentage Number Percentage discount offered by the voucher.
expiration_date Timestamp Expiration date of the voucher.
faq JSON Array of objects containing FAQs related to the voucher.
highlights JSON Array of objects containing highlights (title and text) of the voucher.


If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at prerananw1@gmail.com.