Material Palenight Theme for Notepad++

Palenight theme for Notepad++ was missing out.

Material Palenight Notepad++


  1. Close Notepad++
  2. Download the Material Palenight.xml file to your desktop.
  3. Copy the downloaded file to %APPDATA%\Roaming\Notepad++\themes
  4. Open Notepad++ and select the theme from Settings > Style Configurator
  5. Optional: If you want to use the JetBrains Mono font set in the theme download from:

Completed Styles

Most langauges should look good (given the styling limitations of NPP compared to more extensible IDEs), but the following have been specifically worked to look like the Palenight implementations on other IDEs.

If you find something looking off in another langauge let me know or PR so it can be updated.

  • PHP
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • JSON
  • Bash
  • XML
  • YAML
  • Registry Files

Want more Palenight goodness?

This is far and away my favourite theme, so here's some other Palenight themes for additional IDEs: