
Jscodeshift to add extensions to import/export statements for type:module

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Jscodeshift transform to convert CommonJS into an ECMAScript module


  • Transform Typescript/Javascript modules to include extensions (required for type: "module")
  • Automatically append index.js for references to index (i.e. if some/index.ts exists imports of some will be transformed to some/index.js)


  1. Add "type": "module" to package.json
  2. Run jscodeshift on your project with the jscodeshift-esm transform:
npx jscodeshift -t https://github.com/prescottprue/jscodeshift-esm/blob/v1/dist/transformExtensions.js --extensions=ts --parser=tsx --gitignore src


  • Currently only checks for existing barrel files in Typescript - soon will suport JS


  • Instructions on using from npm instead of git branch
  • Support for type assertion on json imports when using typescript