
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Weather Station

DIY weather station and property monitoring (built for Raspberry Pi)


  • Capturing of Temperature, Humidity, and Snow Depth - stored in MySQL instance
  • Simple REST API for exposing captured values is great for exposing to tools like HomeAssistant (with docs about usage through VPN)
  • Capture and API set up as two separate systemd services to run in the background on boot
  • Github Actions Workflow for automatically publishing changes to weather station (leveraging Tailscale's Github Action to dynamically create nodes marked as ephemeral)
  • Support for 4G modem for remote connectivity


  1. AMD based Linux Debian machine such as Raspberry Pi
  2. Temp/Humidity - DHT 11
  3. Snow Depth - Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)
  4. Raspberry Pi Camera - Arducam IMX 477

Not Required

  1. Sixfax 4G LTE Modem Hat


  1. Flash linux machine planned for the weather-station (in my case Raspberry Pi) with a Debian version of linux (NOT Bookworm)
  2. SSH into the Pi (i.e. ssh pi@raspberrypi.local unless you changed defaults)
  3. If you are using any hardware for remote connectivity such as the Sixfab LTE hat - I've found it best to install this before any other dependencies. Follow setup instructions provided by manufacturer - otherwise skip this step.
  4. Install dependencies including git, python, and maria db: sudo apt-get install git build-essential python3 python3-pip libgpiod2 mariadb-server mariadb-client libmariadb-dev
  5. Clone repo git clone https://github.com/prescottprue/weather-station
  6. Install python app dependencies: pip3 install adafruit-blinka adafruit-circuitpython-dht adafruit-circuitpython-sht31d gpiozero mariadb fastapi "uvicorn[standard]" python-dotenv
  7. Setup MySQL instance:
    1. Run sudo mysql all following steps will be sql commands

    2. Setup user with privileges:

      create user pi IDENTIFIED by 'mydbpass';
      grant all privileges on *.* to 'pi' with grant option;
    3. Create weather database and measurements table:

      CREATE DATABASE weather;
      CREATE TABLE weather.measurements(
        temp DECIMAL(6,2) NOT NULL,
        humidity DECIMAL(6,2) NOT NULL,
        internal_temp DECIMAL(6,2) NOT NULL,
        internal_humidity DECIMAL(6,2) NOT NULL,
        snow_depth DECIMAL(6,2),
        PRIMARY KEY ( id )
    4. Hit ctrl + c to exit mysql

  8. To test API, run: MARIADB_PASS=mydbpass python3 ./weather-station/main.py then visit http://raspberrypi.local:8080 (or whatever the local name or local ip address of your Pi)
  9. Setup and start services to run capture + API in background on boot:
    1. Write a file containing DB password you picked above (note tee is to prevent permission issues): echo "MARIADB_PASS=mydbpass" | sudo tee -a /etc/environment >/dev/null
    2. Copy service files into systemd folders: sudo cp /home/pi/weather-station/services/weather-capture.service /etc/systemd/system/weather-capture.service && sudo cp /home/pi/weather-station/services/weather-api.service /etc/systemd/system/weather-api.service
    3. Reload the daemon: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    4. Enable services: sudo systemctl enable weather-capture.service && sudo systemctl enable weather-api.service
    5. Start services: sudo systemctl start weather-capture.service && sudo systemctl start weather-api.service

Github Actions

To set up your weather-station code to update automatically when you push changes:

  1. Fork this repo

  2. Follow section below about setup of Tailscale

  3. Add the following to Tailscale Access Controls:

      // Define the tags which can be applied to devices and by which users.
      "tagOwners": {
        "tag:ci":   [],
        "tag:prod": [],
      // Define users and devices that can use Tailscale SSH.
      "ssh": [
        // Allow all users to SSH into their own devices in check mode.
        // Comment this section out if you want to define specific restrictions.
          "action": "check",
          "src":    ["autogroup:member"],
          "dst":    ["autogroup:self"],
          "users":  ["autogroup:nonroot", "root"],
        // Allow all users and machines with tag:ci to ssh into machines with tag:prod (tag:ci used for machines which deploy from Github Actions)
          "action": "accept",
          "src":    ["autogroup:member", "tag:ci"],
          "dst":    ["tag:prod"],
          "users":  ["autogroup:nonroot", "root", "pi"],
  4. Add a Tailscale oAuth client with tag:ci - client id and secret which appear will be saved in next step

  5. Set the following values within Github Actions Secrets (Settings tab of repo):

    TS_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID - Tailscale oauth client id
    TS_OAUTH_SECRET - Tailscale oauth secert
    WEATHER_STATION_TAILNET_ADDRESS - address of weather-station machine on tailnet

Remote Network

If you plan to have your weather station on a different network (such as my situation which is a property which does not yet have internet planned to use 4G hat on PI) you can access weather-station data by setting up a VPN. I suggest Tailscale since it is so easy to set up

Make sure you are SSHed into your weather-station then do the following:

  1. Install tailscale: curl -fsSL https://tailscale.com/install.sh | sh
  2. Start tailscale with ssh enabled sudo tailscale up --ssh --advertise-tags tag:prod
  3. Approve machine in tailscale if needed and add the tag prod

Home Assistant

Weather station data is exposed in a REST API - this makes it easy for tools like HomeAssistant to connect and pull data.

Use the File Editor to modify your /homeassistant/configuration.yaml file to add the following:

NOTE: $LOCAL_IP is the local IP address of the weather station machine (raspberry pi) - this can be found by running ifconfig within ssh. If you are running Tailscale VPN, this should instead be your device's tailnet URL or IP.

  # Replace $LOCAL_IP with local IP address of weather-station machine - if using Tailscale, this is Tailnet DNS entry or IP
  - resource: "http://$LOCAL_IP:8080/latest"
      - name: "Station Temperature"
        unique_id: station-temperature
        value_template: "{{ value_json.temp }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "°F"
        device_class: temperature

      - name: "Station Humidity"
        unique_id: station-humidity
        value_template: "{{ value_json.humidity }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
        device_class: humidity

      - name: "Station Snow Depth"
        unique_id: station-snow-depth
        icon: mdi:snowflake
        value_template: "{{ value_json.snow_depth }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "in"
        device_class: distance
      - name: "Station Last Capture"
        unique_id: station-last-capture
        icon: mdi:clock
        value_template: "{{ as_datetime(value_json.created).astimezone() }}"
        device_class: timestamp

Remote Home Assistant

If you are running your weather station on a different network than you home assistant instance, you will need to setup Tailscale on your weather-station machine (super easy - see Remote Network section above) as well as install @tsujamin's Home Assistant Tailscale addon (Tailscale addon in store did allow rest connection to access Tailnet).

  1. Go to Add On Store
  2. Click "Add Repository"
  3. Add https://github.com/tsujamin/hass-addons repo url
  4. Add "Tailscale" addon from under the tsujamin's Add-ons section
  5. Create a new auth key in Tailscale UI
  6. Set auth key from Tailscale UI in configuration panel of Tailscale addon and disable userspace_networking (this is important!)
  7. Save configuration then start Tailscale addon (and make sure Start on boot is enabled)

My Setup

I'm currently using a Raspberry Pi 4 since I plan to add a 4G Hat, but the goal is to keep most of the project generalized to any AMD platform running Linux


  1. Wind speed/direction
  2. Rain Sensor
  3. Camera
  4. Motion sensor
  5. Publishing/sharing to weather authority
  6. Support Bookworm OS version by using python virtual env
  7. Pipenv or similar for dependency management


Capture on a cycle instead of on API call?

  • Continue to capture data to machine's memory even if it is offline allowing for later review
  • Data pulling can be optimized for network conditions (not necessarily all captures will go over the network)

Libcamera through subprocess instead of a python lib?

  • For 64bit support it is easiest to go with libcamera - Picam2 is an option, but bumped into some issues getting it working
  • No in memory access to image is needed - we just render the most recent file
