Pinned issues
- 8
- 7
Markdown: How to hide scopes?
#870 opened by wenchao-hao - 0
- 4
Slow on large file (cursor lag)
#844 opened by YuCao16 - 2
Tagbar is Empty, but no errors (C language)
#891 opened by hrcHarry - 2
Unsupported Kinds: 'T' for --rust-kinds option
#889 opened by Yihen-Liu - 2
Allow folding/unfolding with h/j and arrow left/right
#884 opened by cheater - 0
Feature Request: don't show () after function name in status line for Haskell; use different formatting for the kind
#883 opened by cheater - 5
- 9
- 1
Make Tagbar work for new buffers (no file name)
#877 opened by terminatorul - 4
Error detected while processing WinEnter Autocommands for "*"..function <SNR>38_HandleOnlyWindow[13]..<SNR>38_CloseWindow
#869 opened by lijh8 - 2
- 1
Question: can tagbar use same ctags file as gutentags?
#872 opened by lijh8 - 0
How to install this for neovim or nvchad?
#873 opened by reactVishnu - 0
How to install this for neovim or nvchad?
#874 opened by reactVishnu - 1
How to install this on neovim or Nvchad?
#871 opened by reactVishnu - 0
Minor typo in ':help tagbar' (tagbar/doc/tagbar.txt)
#867 opened by hp1831 - 1
- 22
Error on configuration of g:tagbar_type_bib
#856 opened by andregpss - 10
unable to hide non-public tags using the "v" key
#860 opened by XSven - 1
Unknown tag kind encountered: "d". Your ctags and Tagbar configurations are out of sync!
#859 opened by danielb2 - 1
- 2
Sort by order in the file
#854 opened by bluss - 5
no tag found (neovim)
#848 opened by jfmoulin - 1
does not support golang
#852 opened by pinggit - 2
How can I fold the variables tag-kind on startup?
#847 opened by kskollepara - 5
Python - inner functions issue
#846 opened by BAlmeidaS - 5
VHDL ctag config not complete
#814 opened by Rich-YoYo - 0
- 3
HTML didn't work again
#843 opened by awelormro - 2
Consider releasing a new git tag
#841 opened by anthraxx - 1
- 0
Support secondary filetypes
#839 opened by fenuks - 0
LaTeX support in tagbar vs native ctags support
#837 opened by TryerGit - 3
Pandoc markdown not detected
#835 opened by daveriedstra - 5
Moving the cursor sometimes clears the selection
#833 opened by fidelski - 1
- 1
tagbar conflicts with completeopt popup.
#815 opened by 8i8 - 4
- 8
- 3
Powershell function tags not displayed
#830 opened by niva-xx - 3
vim9 exported functions not displayed by tagbar
#828 opened by niva-xx - 1
Cursor flickering momentarily when autosaving with CursorHold,CursorHoldI, only when Tagbar is enabled
#829 opened by eq0cdk - 0
BufReadPre not BufReadPost for tagbar_ignore
#825 opened by harriott - 4
- 1
Link docs in wiki
#824 opened by godalming123 - 3
Hide tagbar on tag select
#823 opened by godalming123 - 1
- 2
Why can't I use TagbarJumpNext directly
#817 opened by liangjunheng