
PHP Native Client library for Apache Pulsar

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PHP Native Pulsar Client



English | 中文

This is a Apache Pulsar client library implemented in php Reference PulsarApi.proto And support Swoole coroutine


  • PHP >=7.0 (Supported PHP8)
  • ZLib Extension(If you want to use zlib compression)
  • Zstd Extension(If you want to use zstd compression)
  • Swoole Extension(If you want to use in swoole)
    • Use in the swoole only requires that the SWOOLE_HOOK_SOCKETS、SWOOLE_HOOK_STREAM_FUNCTION or SWOOLE_HOOK_ALL


composer require ikilobyte/pulsar-client-php



use Pulsar\Authentication\Jwt;
use Pulsar\Compression\Compression;
use Pulsar\Producer;
use Pulsar\ProducerOptions;
use Pulsar\MessageOptions;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$options = new ProducerOptions();

// If permission authentication is available
// Only JWT authentication is currently supported
$options->setAuthentication(new Jwt('token')); 

$producer = new Producer('pulsar://localhost:6650', $options);
// or use pulsar proxy address
//$producer = new Producer('http://localhost:8080', $options);


for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    $messageID = $producer->send(sprintf('hello %d',$i));
    $messageID = $producer->send(sprintf('hello properties %d',$i),[
        MessageOptions::PROPERTIES => [
           'key' => 'value',
           'ms'  => microtime(true),
    echo 'messageID ' . $messageID . "\n";

// Sending messages asynchronously
//for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
//    $producer->sendAsync(sprintf('hello-async %d',$i),function(string $messageID){
//        echo 'messageID ' . $messageID . "\n";
//    });
//// Add this line when sending asynchronously

// Sending delayed messages
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    $producer->send(sprintf('hello-delay %d',$i),[
        MessageOptions::DELAY_SECONDS => $i * 5, // Seconds

// close

// or 
// keepalive connection This method allows you to wrap the connection pool yourself
// When the call is close() Will close the hold connection

Message deduplication

  • Message de-duplication is a feature provided by pulsar and is based on the producer name and sequence number ID
  • The name of the same producer needs to be fixed and unique, generally distinguished by business latitude, and the sequence number ID of each message is unique and self-incrementing.
  • Reference Pulsar Docs
$options = new ProducerOptions();

$producer = new Producer('pulsar://localhost:6650', $options);
    \Pulsar\MessageOptions::SEQUENCE_ID => 123456,



use Pulsar\Authentication\Jwt;
use Pulsar\Consumer;
use Pulsar\ConsumerOptions;
use Pulsar\SubscriptionType;
use Pulsar\Proto\CommandSubscribe\InitialPosition;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$options = new ConsumerOptions();

// If permission authentication is available
// Only JWT authentication is currently supported
$options->setAuthentication(new Jwt('token'));


// Initial position at which to set cursor when subscribing to a topic at first time.	
// default use InitialPosition::Latest()
// $options->setSubscriptionInitialPosition(InitialPosition::Earliest());

// Configure how many seconds Nack's messages are redelivered, the default is 1 minute

$consumer = new Consumer('pulsar://localhost:6650', $options);
// or use pulsar proxy address
//$consumer = new Consumer('http://localhost:8080', $options);


while (true) {
    $message = $consumer->receive();
    // get properties
    echo sprintf('Got message 【%s】messageID[%s] topic[%s] publishTime[%s] redeliveryCount[%d]',
    ) . "\n";

    // ... 
    // Remember to confirm that the message is complete after processing
    // When processing fails, you can also execute the Nack
    // The message will be re-delivered after the specified time
    // $consumer->nack($message);


Subscribe to multiple topics


Dead letter topic

// Assuming that the subject matter is: <topicname>-<subscriptionname>-DLQ

// Custom topic name

// Custom subscription name

Reconnect(Only Support Consumer)

// start reconnect

// Reconnect interval(seconds)

// Maximum number of reconnections

Not loop Receive And Smooth exit

$running = true;

// kill -15 $PID  
pcntl_signal(SIGTERM,function() use (&$running){
    $running = false;

while ($running) {
    try {
        $message = $consumer->receive(false);
        // ...
    } catch (\Pulsar\Exception\MessageNotFound $e) {
        echo "Message Not Found\n";
    } catch (Throwable $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
        throw $e;
    } finally {



class Person
    public $id;
    public $name;
    public $age;
    // ...
  • Producer Statement Schema
$define = '{"type":"record","name":"Person","fields":[{"name":"id","type":"int"},{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"age","type":"int"}]}';
$schema = new \Pulsar\Schema\SchemaJson($define, [
    'key' => 'value',

// ... some code
$producer = new \Pulsar\Producer('xx',$options);

$person = new Person();
$person->id = 1;
$person->name = 'Tony';
$person->age = 18;

// directly send Person Object No need to manually convert to json string
$id = $producer->send($person);
  • Consumer Statement Schema
$define = '{"type":"record","name":"Person","fields":[{"name":"id","type":"int"},{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"age","type":"int"}]}';

$schema = new \Pulsar\Schema\SchemaJson($define, [
   'key' => 'value',

// ... some code
$consumer = new \Pulsar\Consumer('pulsar://xxx',$consumerOptions);

while (true) {
   $message = $consumer->receive();
   $person = new Person();
   echo sprintf(
       'payload %s id %d name %s age %d',
   ) . "\n";
   // .. some code


use Pulsar\Message;
use Pulsar\Reader;
use Pulsar\ReaderOptions;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

$options = new ReaderOptions();

// If permission authentication is available
// Only JWT authentication is currently supported
// $options->setAuthentication(new Jwt('token'));

$options->setTopic('persistent://public/default/demo'); // support partition topic

// Read the latest message

// From the earliest message
// $options->setStartMessageID(Message::earliestMessageIdData());

// Start reading from a message
// $options->setStartMessageID(Message::deserialize('621:103:0'));

$reader = new Reader('pulsar://localhost:6650', $options);

while (true) {
    $message = $reader->next();
    echo sprintf('Got message 【%s】messageID[%s]  topic[%s] publishTime[%s]',
        ) . "\n";




  • ProducerOptions
    • setTopic()
    • setAuthentication()
    • setConnectTimeout()
    • setProducerName()
    • setCompression()
    • setSchema()
  • ConsumerOptions
    • setTopic()
    • setTopics()
    • setAuthentication()
    • setConnectTimeout()
    • setConsumerName()
    • setSubscription()
    • setSubscriptionType()
    • setNackRedeliveryDelay()
    • setReceiveQueueSize()
    • setDeadLetterPolicy()
    • setSubscriptionInitialPosition()
    • setReconnectPolicy()
    • setSchema()
  • ReaderOptions
    • setTopic()
    • setAuthentication()
    • setConnectTimeout()
    • setReaderName()
    • setStartMessageID()
    • setReceiveQueueSize()
  • MessageOptions
