Course Materials for "Learn Programming with Go, One Game at a Time".
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Here's where to find stuff:
- In <lecture-name>/examples, you can find all the examples demonstrated in the videos for the given lecture
- In <lecture-name>/exercises, you can find all the exercise solutions
- In game-projects, you can find the completed game projects you'll do at the end of the course
Use this site as reference in case you get stuck or if you want to revisit some of the concepts discussed in the lecture and tinker with them yourself.
However, I suggest you attempt all the exercises/projects on your own first or via some help from the videos before poking around these materials. That way, you will gain the most out of this course.
The only exception is the examples, demoed throughout the lectures. Those you can watch freely and are even encouraged to do so, because that will help you reinforce what you've learnt.