Dectech Ad Test Report Helper

This is Streamlit app containing the following components:

  1. Storyboard Generator This function take mp4 files as input and take screenshots at equal intervals and generate a combined storyboard image which can be used in the Ad Test reports.

  2. Radial Bar Chart Processing This function takes the overall ad test radial bar chart as an input and generates 4 charts with a different focus for each section using the Dectech Blur.

How to run this app

Option 1: Install locally using requirements.txt

The app requires Python 3.7. It would be easier to create a new virtual environment:

conda create -n adtest python=3.7
conda activate adtest

Then running:

git clone
cd dectech-ad-test-helper
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run

Some users may experience issues when importing Shapely. If that happens to you, the best way to fix it is to reinstall Shapely using conda:

pip uninstall shapely
conda install -c conda-forge shapely

Option 2: Run Docker image

Alternatively, please check out the Docker image.

docker pull presstofan/dt-ad-test-helper:v1.0
docker run --rm -it -p 8501:8501 presstofan/dt-ad-test-helper:v1.0

Option 3: Access via Streamlit Share [No longer available]

The app is temporarily available at Streamlit Share.