A symfony bundle that provides tools to build a rich application sitemap. The main goals are : simple, no databases, various namespace (eg. google image), respect constraints etc.
- AleBles@azerion
- COilLes-Tilleuls / Strangebuzz
- dallegoetWeb Developper
- dupuchba
- ecolemanPublicis Collective
- emyers-nab
- erivelloVittorio Veneto, Italy
- estahn@schneider-electric
- iamdey@Gandi
- jchautreux
- JoshuaEstes@SonsOfPHP @ApexSquidHQ
- kixYekaterinburg
- kl3ryk
- KocMETRO Markets GmbH
- lwojciechowski@livechat-integrations
- m2mdasBangladesh
- mcrinquand
- michelsalibRefinitiv
- miloud-ben
- mmaudelonde
- nicolas-bastien@smartbooster
- nicolas-joubertLyon
- nonlux
- pdesmaraisTrois-Rivières, Québec
- Ph3nol@MinutPass
- pulzarraiderSlovakia
- remyfrdunow
- richardfullmerOpensoft
- sh1ny
- tanestis
- tobiassjostenSTIM
- vcitroHuttopia
- vpassapera@LinkedIn
- yberkholzBerlin, Germany
- ygauthierQuebec, Canada
- Ziumin