
The RESTful JSON bible API and full-text search service.

Primary LanguageRuby


A RESTful web service API for common English translations of the Christian bible. Built with Rails 7.

Developer Quick Start

Bibler is a full API and search service for the Ruby 2.7+ compatible runtimes.

bundle install # Install ruby dependencies.
cp config/sitemap.rb.sample config/sitemap.rb # Set your production URL
cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml # Edit, please! (Postgres only)
git submodule init
git submodule update

rails db:migrate # Apply schema migrations.
rails db:seed # Load bible data. Will take a while due to text indexing.
rails s # Run the server.
open localhost:3000 # Use it!

Loading License Bibles

Translations such as the New American Standard Bible require explicit licensing. We do not provide these data files, though a template CSV is provided in the lib/tasks/ directory. If you have permission and the licensed bibler_nasb.csv data file in that directory, run the following after initial seeding:

rake bibler:nasb


Bibler is a fairly ordinary Rails application, and is pre-built and distributed via Docker images.


Custom Bibler Server distributions can be build with Docker or compatible build systems. To build,

docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 -t p3000/bibler-server:latest . --push

To run it:

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:3000 --name bibler-server \
-e "BIBLER_DATABASE_URL=postgresql://bibler:password@" \
-e "BIBLER_SECRET_KEY_BASE=super_secret" \
--platform linux/amd64 \


Author: Preston Lee

Data provided by the scrollmapper/bible_databases project: https://github.com/scrollmapper/bible_databases