- Chat Functionality
- Persistent chat history with the use of MongoDB
- Allows for users to refresh their page without losing all of chat
- Opens the door for moderation of chat sessions as messages are stored with author names and timestamps
- Report feature that allows users to "report" a session, which flags it in the database
- Discord like auto-scroll down feature when a new message is sent
- Persistent chat history with the use of MongoDB
- Server side verification of available rooms
- We don't want users to be able to join any room they want, only ones that
Clone into any directory
git clone https://github.com/prestonmccrary/hours-takehome prestons-project
Start our Next.JS server
cd prestons-project/client
npm run dev
Start our Socket.io and Express backend
cd prestons-project/server
npm i
npm run dev
Our backend will be running on localhost:4000, and our next server will be on localhost:3000.