
Configuration info for an Ubuntu web server hosting a Sporting Goods Catalog app

Sporting Goods Catalog app - Amazon AWS Server information

This project contains information on how an Amazon AWS instance was configured to host a Sporting Goods Catalog app, developed for a previous project. The goal of this project was to configure a Linux web server to securely host a web app.

IP address



Server software installed and configuration changes

These Ubuntu packages were installed in order to get server functionality up:

  1. finger
  2. apache2
  3. libapache2-mod-wsgi
  4. postgresql
  5. postgresql-contrib
  6. git
  7. python-pip
  8. python-virtualenv
  9. libpq-dev
  10. python-dev

Python package dependencies for the catalog app

These packages were installed in order to run the catalog app:

  1. flask
  2. sqlalchemy
  3. oauth2client
  4. requests
  5. bleach

Third party resources

  1. SSH configuration: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring
  2. A virtual environment was created and configured using the steps here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/244641/how-to-set-up-and-use-a-virtual-python-environment-in-ubuntu. A new virtual environment was created called catalogenv was created in the Apache root, along with the cloned Catalog app.
  3. For installing the psycopg2 python package, I needed to install as specified here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5420789/how-to-install-psycopg2-with-pip-on-python
  4. For installing and configuring postgresql and creating new users and databases for it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL