
some common syntax examples i keep forgetting


Some common PostgreSQL syntax examples I keep forgetting


select * from SOME_TABLE where SOME_ARRAY_COLUMN @> '{Red, Blue}';

Returning nested data as JSON

  id, created_at, name,
  (select to_json(u) from (select id from users where users.id = user_id) as u) as user,
  (select to_json(d) from (select id from dbs where dbs.id = db_id) as d) as db
from snippets
where user_id = $1
 id |          created_at           |             name             |   user   |    db
  5 | 2015-05-22 17:42:40.368898-05 | dsadasda                     | {"id":1} | {"id":1}
  7 | 2015-05-22 17:45:08.840262-05 | dsadasda                     | {"id":1} | {"id":1}
  8 | 2015-05-22 17:47:23.528823-05 | poop                         | {"id":1} | {"id":1}

This is much better than returning foreign keys like user_id, db_id

    id: 5, 
    created_at: '2015-05-22 17:42:40.368898-05', 
    name: 'dsadasda', 
    user_id: 1, 
    db_id: 1 

If you wanted more user or db info, you'd have to add more top level keys like user_name, database_name. This is shitty.

    id: 5, 
    created_at: '2015-05-22 17:42:40.368898-05', 
    name: 'dsadasda', 
    user_id: 1, 
    user_name: 'Preston', 
    db_id: 1, 
    db_name: 'foo' 

Instead, using the above nested json querying we can provide better hierarchy:

    id: 5, 
    created_at: '2015-05-22 17:42:40.368898-05', 
    name: 'dsadasda', 
    user: { id: 1, name: 'Preston' }
    db: { id: 1, name: 'foo' }

Querying JSON

get key as text

select person->>'dogs';

get nested keys, note that -> returns value as json

select person->'dogs'->0->'breed' from people where id = 77;

Output table as html

discovered in http://www.postgresonline.com/downloads/special_feature/postgresql83_psql_cheatsheet.pdf

psql -c "select * from dogs" -H -o dogs.html

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