
Quiz Game

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Trivia Quiz Game

Welcome to the Trivia Quiz Game! This interactive CLI application tests your knowledge with a variety of trivia questions.

How to Play

  • Run the script quizGame.py and wait for the questions to load.
  • You'll be presented with multiple-choice questions.
  • Enter the number corresponding to your answer.
  • Your score will be displayed at the end of the quiz.


  • Fetches random trivia questions from an online API.
  • Interactive command-line interface.
  • Keeps track of your correct answers.


  • Python 3
  • requests library (install using pip install requests)

Setup and Execution

  • Local Execution:
    • Clone this repository or download the quizGame.py file.
    • Run the script with python quizGame.py.
  • Google Colab:
    • Access the provided Google Colab file.
    • Run the cells to execute the quiz interactively.

Workflow Diagram

graph TD
    start([Start Quiz]) --> fetchQuestions[Fetch Questions from API]
    fetchQuestions --> displayQuestion[Display Question]
    displayQuestion --> getUserInput[Get User Input]
    getUserInput --> checkAnswer[Check Answer]
    checkAnswer --> moreQuestions{More Questions?}
    moreQuestions -->|Yes| displayQuestion
    moreQuestions -->|No| displayFinalScore[Display Final Score]
    displayFinalScore --> stop([End of Quiz])