
Advent of Code - 2022

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

🎄 Advent of Code 2022

Solutions for Advent of Code in Rust.

Note Puzzle inputs are not checked into git. Reasoning .

2022 Results

I had a secondary goal of clearing all puzzles in under 1 second. I haven't quite gotten there yet, but I'm close! The profile doesn't include loading the file from storage but does include parsing for fairness.

Total Runtime: 1721.28ms

Day Part 1 Part 2
Day 01 32.20µs 27.90µs
Day 02 3.10µs 2.70µs
Day 03 686.70µs 240.90µs
Day 04 212.90µs 207.60µs
Day 05 191.00µs 193.20µs
Day 06 512.90µs 415.30µs
Day 07 657.70µs 338.70µs
Day 08 1.62ms 4.12ms
Day 09 800.00ns 400.00ns
Day 10 7.10µs 8.10µs
Day 11 96.30µs 19.81ms
Day 12 1.06ms 22.41ms
Day 13 not solved not solved
Day 14 1.01ms 5.21ms
Day 15 973.10µs 196.56ms
Day 16 112.74ms 56.94ms
Day 17 41.06ms 96.99ms
Day 18 557.50µs 3.38ms
Day 19 17.41ms 439.45ms
Day 20 23.61ms 293.92ms
Day 21 4.78ms 4.77ms
Day 22 2.70ms 1.97ms
Day 23 3.36ms 214.83ms
Day 24 34.42ms 84.94ms
Day 25 49.50µs

Goals & What I've Learned

This year I wanted to expand my Rust experiences with data-structures, complicated cases with string parsing, and how memory is managed in Rust. Although I've written a Gameboy emulator it was a relatively simple project when it came to appeasing the borrow-checker; this left me with a huge hole in my knowledge.

Here are "lessons learned" for each day's problems.

There will be solution spoilers in these notes.

Day 1

My original solution involved sorting the calorie listing then taking the max value. There's a faster way to obtain a max value using the k_largest algorithm which uses a binary heap to keep the maximum value at the root of the heap. Here's a stack overflow discussion of this:

What is the advantage of heaps over sorted arrays?

Rust's Itertools crate will provide this soon, for now I am using a PR branch to obtain this functionality.

Day 2

Strings are slow when we have guaranteed ASCII char input! The original solution used lots of &str references for matching the Rock / Paper / Scissor puzzle inputs. I converted these over to &[u8; 1] and got a nice boost. You can see the code differences in this commit:

(Optimization - &str to chars commits)[https://github.com/itwasscience/aoc_2022/commits/main/src/bin/02.rs]

Comparison of runtimes

| Day 02 |
🎄 Part 1 🎄
15523 (elapsed: 206.60µs) -> (elapsed: 45.60µs)
🎄 Part 2 🎄
15702 (elapsed: 204.40µs) -> (elapsed: 41.50µs)

Day 3

I used a similar optimization to Day 2 here and treated the inputs as ASCII and used a simple byte -> priority mapper to just do some integer math to find rucksack item priorities.

Day 4

My first solution used a for x in foo { if ... else } style of code to sum values to a mutable variable within the loop. I rewrote this later to use the filter() and count() methods, which resulted in cleaner code.

(Cleanup Commit)[https://github.com/itwasscience/aoc_2022/commit/0ad3344e85c777b2db0712266d1b78d8e9e0da2c]

Day 5

This day had a real tricky issue in the helper function I wrote to build the Vec<VecDeque<char>> up from the puzzle input. Observe the following code snippet which is trying to iterate over some input line-by-line and update a Vector with some function using that line's contents:

fn parse_line(input: &str) -> char {

fn main() {
    let input = "a\nb\nc\nd\n";

    let mut broken = Vec::new();
        .map(|line| {
    println!("Broken: {:?}", broken);

    let mut working = Vec::new();
        .for_each(|line| {
    println!("Working: {:?}", working);

What's happening here? I'm using CLion with the Rust plugin and the recommendation from the plugin is Unused Map<Lines, fn(&str)> that must be used and recommends I prefix the first block of input parsing with let _ =. Doing this will NOT fix the issue with this code. Why?

In Rust iterators are evaluated in a lazy fashion. This means that map will only do work when the iterator is advanced either by calling next explicitly or via something like collect(). Just an assignment will not cause the iterator to be evaluated; instead the type of the _ would have been of the type Map<Lines<fn(&str)>>.

What does the compiler say?

   = note: `#[warn(unused_must_use)]` on by default
   = note: iterators are lazy and do nothing unless consumed

Unfortunately this message goes away using the plugin's recommendations but won't solve the issue!

There's two obvious ways to fix this issue. The less-elegant is to leave the let _ =... and then force an evaluation with .collect::<Vec<()>>() (just a vector of the unit type). Thankfully we can also use the for_each() method to force an evaluation of the Iterator and avoid requiring collection entirely (and the let _ = statement).

Day 6

Day 6 gave me the opportunity to check out some neat windowing functions in the Itertools crate. There really wasn't else to this day.

Day 7

Day 7 posed the first real datastructure work. Although the puzzle was conceptually fairly simple it lent itself to a tree datastructure. Rust's borrow-checker gave me quite a bit of trouble here as my typical Pythonic solutions quickly broke due to one particular borrow-checker rule:

Borrow Checker Error
error[E0499]: cannot borrow s as mutable more than once at a time

My initial tree structure was something like this:

struct Directory<'a> {
    file_sizes: usize,
    children: Vec<&'a mut Directory<'a>>

impl<'a> Directory<'a> {
    fn sum(self) -> usize {
        let mut sum = self.file_sizes;
        for child in self.children {
            sum += child.sum();

fn main() {
    let mut child_a = Directory { file_sizes: 1, children: Vec::new() };
    let mut child_ab = Directory { file_sizes: 2, children: Vec::new() };
    let mut child_ac = Directory { file_sizes: 3, children: Vec::new() };
    let mut root = Directory { file_sizes: 10, children: Vec::new() };

    root.children.push(&mut child_a);
    child_a.children.push(&mut child_ab);
    child_a.children.push(&mut child_ac);

But does this work? During the problem it became clear I would need to traverse this structure in a recursive fashion to take sums of nested directories. This sum function quickly explodes:

error[E0507]: cannot move out of ` * child` which is behind a mutable reference
- -> src/main.rs:11: 20
11 | sum += child.sum();
| ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -- - - -
| | |
| | ` * child` moved due to this method call
| move occurs because ` * child` has type `Directory<'_ > `, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
note: this function takes ownership of the receiver ` self `, which moves ` * child`
- -> src/main.rs:8: 12
8 | fn sum(self) -> usize {
    | ^ ^ ^ ^

What can we do here?

The answer is to use something called an arena to map our paths. I choose to use a HashMap since I had a known key I could use (the directory path) although Vec or other structures may work.

Theory Behind Arenas

An arena is a structure that holds a reference to a particular node in the tree. Nodes will use a reference to the location of other nodes in the arena structure, such as a key or an offset, instead of a direct reference to another node.

Here is a tiny excerpt from my day 7 solution demonstrating the arena model:

use std::collections::HashMap;

/// The filesystem is a tree structure using an arena allocator hashmap with the keys as directory
/// paths. Directories hold the key indexes of child directories.
type DirectoryTree = HashMap<String, Directory>;

#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct Directory {
    file_sizes: usize,
    children: Vec<String>,

/// Sums the filesystem recursively for a path.
pub fn sum_path(path: &String, filesystem: &DirectoryTree) -> usize {
    let mut sum: usize = filesystem.get(path).unwrap().file_sizes;
    for child in &filesystem.get(path).unwrap().children {
        sum += sum_path(child, filesystem);

pub fn main() {
    let mut arena = DirectoryTree::default();

    let mut root = Directory { file_sizes: 10, children: Vec::new() };
    let mut child_a = Directory { file_sizes: 1, children: Vec::new() };
    let child_ab = Directory { file_sizes: 2, children: Vec::new() };
    let child_ac = Directory { file_sizes: 3, children: Vec::new() };

    // Children are arena keys, NOT references to the children themselves.

    // Build up the Arena with some Strings as the key to the HashMap
    arena.insert("root".to_string(), root);
    arena.insert("a".to_string(), child_a);
    arena.insert("ab".to_string(), child_ab);
    arena.insert("ac".to_string(), child_ac);

    println!("Sum: {}", sum_path(&"root".to_string(), &arena));

This works great! Notice that the summing function doesn't require any mutable references at all!

There might be some room for improvement here if sum_path() is being called on very large, very deep trees since the recursive calculation has to be done each time sum_path() is called. Another Hashmap could be used to provide a cache based on the search string for long-running programs. I didn't observe an improvement in Day 07. Always benchmark "optimizations" and remove them if they don't actually deliver benefit for the increased complexity!

✨ You can start solving puzzles now! Head to the Usage section to see how to use this template. If you like, you can configure some optional features.


You must have the Rust toolchain installed.

Download input for a day

This command requires installing the aoc-cli crate.

# example: `cargo download 1`
cargo download <day>

# output:
# Downloading input with aoc-cli...
# Loaded session cookie from "/home/felix/.adventofcode.session".
# Downloading input for day 1, 2021...
# Saving puzzle input to "/tmp/tmp.MBdcAdL9Iw/input"...
# Done!
# ---
# 🎄 Successfully wrote input to "src/inputs/01.txt"!

To download inputs for previous years, append the --year/-y flag. (example: cargo download 1 --year 2020)

Puzzle inputs are not checked into git. Reasoning .

Run solutions for a day

# example: `cargo solve 01`
cargo solve <day>

# output:
#     Running `target/debug/01`
# 🎄 Part 1 🎄
# 6 (elapsed: 37.03µs)
# 🎄 Part 2 🎄
# 9 (elapsed: 33.18µs)

solve is an alias for cargo run --bin. To run an optimized version for benchmarking, append the --release flag.

Displayed timings show the raw execution time of your solution without overhead (e.g. file reads).

Run all solutions

cargo all

# output:
#     Running `target/release/aoc`
# ----------
# | Day 01 |
# ----------
# 🎄 Part 1 🎄
# 0 (elapsed: 170.00µs)
# 🎄 Part 2 🎄
# 0 (elapsed: 30.00µs)
# <...other days...>
# Total: 0.20ms

all is an alias for cargo run. To run an optimized version for benchmarking, use the --release flag.

Total timing is computed from individual solution timings and excludes as much overhead as possible.

Run all solutions against example input

cargo test

Format code

cargo fmt

Lint code

cargo clippy

Optional template features

Download puzzle inputs via aoc-cli

  1. Install aoc-cli via cargo: cargo install aoc-cli.
  2. Create an .adventofcode.session file in your home directory and paste your session cookie[^1] into it. To get this, press F12 anywhere on the Advent of Code website to open your browser developer tools. Look in your Cookies under the Application or Storage tab, and copy out the session cookie value.

Once installed, you can use the download command.