
Chip8 Interpretor in C

Primary LanguageC

Chip8 Interpreter

Used as an exercise to learn some C programming.


./chip8 <rom_file>

Build Requirements

You must have the SDL2-devel libraries installed. See https://www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php.

Key Bindings

Keys are mapped as follows:

US Keyboard

0 - 9 and a - f for hex digits.

US Keyboard Extended Keypad

0 - 9
A +
B -
C *
D /
E %
F .

Other Notes

If the display is too big or small there is a WINDOW_SCALE parameter that multiplies the pixel size by that factor.

Ex: WINDOW_SCALE 10 will result in a display of 320x640 instead of 32x64 and is the default.