
Scotch Box Pro is a preconfigured Vagrant Box with a full array of LAMP Stack features to get you up and running with Vagrant in no time.

Primary LanguagePHP

Scotch Box Pro

Just a Dead-Simple Local LAMP/LEMP Stack for Vagrant. Making Vagrant EASY AS EATING CAKE for developers.

Scotch Box

Scotch Box is a pre-configured Vagrant Box with a full array of features to get you up and running with Vagrant in no time.

NGINX version: https://github.com/scotch-io/scotch-box-pro-nginx

License Required?

This is a paid version of the original Scotch Box. Go Pro Now! to get access to documentation and new tutorials!

Pro Features

  • NEW OS: Ubuntu-17.10!
  • NEW PHP: PHP 7.2!
  • NEW APACHE: 2.4.29
  • NEW NGINX: 1.13.8
  • NEW RUBY via RVM: 2.5.0
  • NEW NODE via NVM: 8.9.4
  • Fixes a MongoDB and PHP bug
  • Makes Laravel routing finally work out of the box with NGINX version
  • Adds Drush (Launcher) even though you should do this through Composer these days
  • Updated WP-CLI version
  • Generally WAY higher versions of everything else

Scotch Box


More Information

Check-out box.scotch.io to learn more.