Docker repository for Openfire Server

This provides a docker image for running Openfire Server. This particular image is a litle unique in that in a couple ways:

  • It uses an openfire.xml configuration file and an to manually configure the container instead of requiring the web UI configuration; this allows it to be used in places like Heroku and Aptible.

Required Environment Variables

There are a few environment variables that should be set whenever running this image; by setting them the configuration is updated correctly for the database:

  • DB_HOST - the host of the database to connect to; it will default to DATABASE_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR if set.
  • DB_PORT - the port of the database to connect to; it will default to DATABASE_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT if set.
  • DB_NAME - the name of the database for holding openfire data; it will default to openfire if not set.
  • DB_USERNAME - the username to connect to the database.
  • DB_PASSWORD - the password to connect to the database.

Running locally

You can run this locally by staring up a database container and then linking into this image; NOTE: We use the Aptible postgresql image as it supports SSL which is required in the Openfire config now.

# Create a data volume for the data
docker create --name data

# Initialize the DB's username, password and database
docker run --volumes-from data -e USERNAME=user1 -e PASSPHRASE=password1 -e DATABASE=openfire --initialize

# Run the postgres server (we use the aptible image because it has SSL support)
docker run --name postgres1 --volumes-from data -d

# Run once to prepare the db with required Openfire schema using a postgres image
docker run --rm --link postgres1:postgres --env PGPASSWORD=password1 --volume $(pwd)/openfire_postgresql.sql:/tmp/openfire_postgresql.sql postgres sh -c 'psql -h postgres -U user1 -d openfire -f /tmp/openfire_postgresql.sql'

# Run to start the server with ports exposed (use -p to expose to specific host ports)
docker run -d -P --link postgres1:database -e DB_NAME=openfire -e DB_USERNAME=user1 -e DB_PASSWORD=password1 prevailhs/openfire

TODO: Add info about how to connect here.

Running in production

To run in production you should setup a database server in whatever methods you prefer, then use the db Openfire schema to pre-load it; after that is complete you can startup your server:

PGPASSWORD=password1 psql -h postgres -U user1 -d openfire -f openfire_postgresql.sql
docker run -d -P -e DB_HOST= -e DB_PORT=5432 -e DB_NAME=openfire -e DB_USERNAME=postgres -e DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword prevailhs/openfire

You should then be able to access (after a brief startup time) the XMPP ports via whatever routing layer you're using.


Fork this repo and make PRs as normal. Feel free to knock off anything on the TODO list.


  • Add a DB_SSL env var (default: true) that controls SSL connection to DB or not.
  • Use official postgres image but figure out how to turn on SSL support.
  • Add support for other DBs to be swapped in; probably leave PostgreSQL as the default but comment where people would alter after forking.