
Processes AWS Cloudwatch events from a SNS topic and sends them to Slack App webhook

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CI Workflow Coverage Vulnerabilities Quality Gate Status

Based on aws-to-slack.

This AWS lambda function processes the following AWS events from Amazon SNS and forwards them to a Slack App webhook.

  • Cloudwatch Alarms


Environment variables

Environment Variable Description Required
SLACK_WEBHOOK_CICD The webhook URL for the announce-cicd channel in your Slack app. Yes
SLACK_WEBHOOK_INCIDENTS The webhook URL for the announce-incidents channel in you Slack app. Yes
ASSUME_ROLE_NAME The name of the role which is assumed to retrieve metric data from other AWS accounts. The role must allow cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics permissions. No


To build the lambda function run the following.

npm install
npm build


To run the tests.

npm test


The following will package the lambda function into a zip bundle to allow manual deployment.

npm run build
cd dist
zip -q -r lambda.zip ../node_modules .