
UAL, CCI - MSc course: 20/21 Artificial Intelligence for the Media

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Artificial Intelligence for the Media (20/21)

Note: This repository contains slides and code samples for the lectures I am teaching for the "AI for the Media" course of 20/21. For the rest of the study materials, please check the Moodle page.

Instructors: Louis McCallum, Mick Grierson, Rebecca Fiebrink, Vit Ruzicka, Josh Murr

Class moodle: https://moodle.arts.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=48839

Weekly Outline:

Week 5 (15.2.2021) - Week 5.1 Classifying Sequences - slides pdf

Practical session notebook: Twitter sentiment analysis

Week 6 (22.2.2021) - Week 6.1 Generating Sequences - slides pdf

Practical session notebook: Interactive Music Generation with LSTM models

Week 7 (1.3.2021) - Week 7.1 Intro to latent spaces and VAEs - slides pdf

Practical session notebook: Convolutional Variation AutoEncoder

Week 9 (15.3.2021) - Week 9.1 Image to Image Models (pix2pix, CycleGAN, style transfer) - slides pdf

Practical session notebook: pix2pix training with custom datasets