Typing SVG

Typing SVG

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Talking about Personal Stuff:

  • 🛠   I’m currently working with NodeJS, ReactJS, Android, etc.
  • 🚀   I’m currently exploring ML, Gen AI, LLMs, etc.
  • 👾   Fun fact: Equal is Not Always Equal in JS.
  • 📫   Reach me out: girishtheja116@gmail.com.

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Languages and Tools:

javascript typescript python nodejs aws react sql mongodb git terminal

Projects and Dev Stuffs:

☄️ Github Streaks

Girishtheja's streak

💻 GitHub Profile Stats

Girishtheja's Github Stats             Girishtheja's Top Languages

Girishtheja's Activity Graph

Note: Top languages are only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and don't reflect experience or skill level.

⚙️ Things I use to get stuff done
  • OS: ubuntu
  • Laptop: MSI GL65 LEOPORD
  • Browser: Chrome & Brave
  • Terminal: ZSH: Oh My Zsh (PowerLevel10k)
  • Code Editor: VSCode - The best editor out there
  • Other Tools: Postman, Notion(on phone),obsidian
  • To Stay Updated: Twitter, Product Hunt and Hacker News


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