
A very practical web-spider to collect the news from youm7 news website.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine if you're running Ubuntu. Although other systems would be similar, i developed and tested it on Ubuntu 16.


You only need python3 and Scrapy.

pip3 install Scrapy

If you faced any problems, please refer to Scrapy documentation

Running the Spider

After installing Scrapy, and cloning the repository, cd inside the directory where scrapy.cfg is:

git clone
cd youm-7-scraping

Now you can give the Spider a command like the following:

scrapy crawl youm -o data.json -a label=0 -a pages=3 -a category=علوم-و-تكنولوجيا/328/

In the command above:

  • data.json is the outputted file where the scraped data will be saved
  • label=0 is the label you want the news from that category be given, in that case we gave it label 0
  • pages=3 is how many pages you want to scrap, in that case we will scrap 3 pages
  • category have to be the identifying part of the url from the youm7 sections.

More examples:

scrapy crawl youm -o data.json -a label=1 -a pages=3 -a category=فن/48/
scrapy crawl youm -o data.json -a label=2 -a pages=3 -a category=سياسة/319/
scrapy crawl youm -o data.json -a label=3 -a pages=3 -a category=أخبار-الرياضة/298/
scrapy crawl youm -o data.json -a label=0 -a pages=3 -a category=علوم-و-تكنولوجيا/328/

Fixing the JSON file

An important note, after scraping the above categories as shown, if the output is all concatenated to the same output file, for example "data.json", the file will not be valid json format, to fix this run the after you're done collecting the data:



I've abstracted the above process in a single python script, which can be invoked like the following:


The arguments indicated above can be put in the following part of the script, which will be piped to the shell.


please note that you will need Pandas library, since it's used in the above script to filter short articles.

pip3 install pandas


  • Mostafa Mahmoud