goakal prices widget


<script id="prices-widget" src="https://raw.githack.com/arashari/embeddable-widget/main/dist/widget.js" class-url="<class url>"></script>

in your HTML



local development process

  1. execute yarn webpack or npm run webpack for the build process.

    Remember to rebuild whenever you make code changes.

    or automate it using nodemon or something like that.

  2. launch the local server with npx http-serve dist to serve the build.

  3. have fun

what files to changes?

  • src/widget.template.ts

main file, template html-nya ada di sini

  • src/styles/main.scss

second main file, styling utamanya ada di sini

  • src/assets/*

untuk naro assets seperti gambar

how to deploy to production

  1. build it
  2. host the dist folder somewhere that publicly accessible
  3. profit