#HDFS Shell UI (CLI tool) HDFS Shell is a HDFS manipulation tool to work with functions integrated in Hadoop DFS
There are 3 possible usecases:
- Running user interactive UI shell, inserting command by user
- Launching Shell with specific HDFS command
- Running in daemon mode - communication using UNIX domain sockets
- HDFS DFS initiates JVM for each command call, HDFS Shell does it only once - which means great speed enhancement when you need to work with HDFS more often
- Commands can be used in short way - eg.
hdfs dfs -ls /
,ls /
- both will work - HDFS path completion using TAB key
- you can easily add any other HDFS manipulation function
- there is a command history persisting in history log (~/.hdfs-shell/hdfs-shell.log)
- support for relative directory + commands
- commands cannot be piped, eg: calling
ls /analytics | less
is not possible at this time, you have to use HDFS Shell in Daemon mode
- JDK 1.8
- It's working on both Windows/Linux Hadoop 2.6.0
- [Download binary] (https://github.com/priancho/hdfs-shell/releases/download/v1.0.1/hdfs-shell-1.0.1.zip)
HDFS-Shell is a standard Java application. For its launch you need to define 2 things on your classpath:
- All
on classpath (the dependencies./lib
are included in the binary bundle or they are located in Gradle build/distributions/*.zip) - Path to directory with your Hadoop Cluster config files (hdfs-site.xml, core-site.xml etc.) - without these files the HDFS Shell will work in local filesystem mode
- on Linux it's usually located in
folder - on Windows it's usually located in
Note that paths inside java -cp switch are separated by :
on Linux and ;
on Windows.
Pre-defined launch scripts are located in the zip file. You can modify it locally as needed.
- for CLI UI run
(without parameters) otherwise: - HDFS Shell can be launched directly with the command to execute - after completion, hdfs-shell will exit
- launch HDFS with
hdfs-shell.sh script <file_path>
to execute commands from file
- type
to get list of all supported commands clear
to clear screenexit
or justq
to exit the shell- for calling system command type
! <command>
, eg.! echo hello
will call the system command echo - type (hdfs) command only without any parameters to get its parameter description, eg.
only script <file_path>
to execute commands from file
#####Additional commands For our purposes we also integrated following commands:
set showResultCodeON
andset showResultCodeOFF
- if it's enabled, it will write command result code after its completioncd
- run hdfs-shell-daemon.sh
- then communicate with this daemon using UNIX domain sockets - eg.
echo ls / | nc -U /var/tmp/hdfs-shell.sock
##Project programming info The project is using Gradle 3.x to build. By default it's using Hadoop 2.6.0, but it also has been succesfully tested with version 2.7.x. It's based on Spring Shell (includes JLine component). Using Spring Shell mechanism you can easily add your own commands into HDFS Shell. (see com.avast.server.hdfsshell.commands.ContextCommands or com.avast.server.hdfsshell.commands.HadoopDfsCommands for more details)
All suggestions and merge requests are welcome.
####Other tech info:
For developing, add to JVM args in your IDE launch config dialog:
-Djline.WindowsTerminal.directConsole=false -Djline.terminal=jline.UnsupportedTerminal
- There is a problem with a parsing of commands containing a file or directory including a space - eg. it's not possible to create directory
My dir
using commandmkdir "My dir"
###Contact Author&Maintainer: Ladislav Vitasek - vitasek/@/avast.com