- 0
Mapping to bd netrw
#37 opened by SlartThunder - 0
Support mini.icons
#35 opened by prichrd - 2
Wrong handling of symbolic link in tree view
#33 opened by kuator - 6
netrw_altfile option
#32 opened by tomdaniels - 1
Question: Netrw refresh tree bug
#31 opened by xronin01 - 4
Icons not found with vim.g.netrw_liststyle = 3
#16 opened by CRAG666 - 3
Icons dont show when sign columns are set to no
#26 opened by shesmu - 2
create file without opening
#19 opened by backwardspy - 2
Add git support
#3 opened by prichrd - 0
Executable file icons are wrong
#18 opened by prichrd - 1