Entry-level data analyst driven by a keen interest in exploration, committed to continuously learn and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of data analytics 📊
Pinned Repositories
Analyzing the customer engagement data sourced from the 365 Data Science website, with the aim of pinpointing areas of improvement and formulate high-level recommendations to increase customer engagement and retention rates on the platform.
Analyzing the sign-up and log-in data from the 365 Data Science website to formulate high-level recommendations aimed at boosting registration numbers and overall revenue growth.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
pricilamiguel's Repositories
Analyzing the customer engagement data sourced from the 365 Data Science website, with the aim of pinpointing areas of improvement and formulate high-level recommendations to increase customer engagement and retention rates on the platform.
Analyzing the sign-up and log-in data from the 365 Data Science website to formulate high-level recommendations aimed at boosting registration numbers and overall revenue growth.
Config files for my GitHub profile.