
A console based chat application implemented with self-designed authentication protocols.

Primary LanguagePython

Secure Chat Application

A console based chat application implemented with self-designed authentication protocols entirely functioning using UDP.

Run the python files


python3 chat_server.py


python3 chat_client.py -sip <server-ip>

Run as Docker Containers


docker run --name chat-server --rm -d pridhvi/chat-server


docker run -it --rm -e serverip=<server-ip> pridhvi/chat-client

Build Docker Images


docker build --no-cache -t pridhvi/chat-server -f Dockerfile_Server .


docker build --no-cache -t pridhvi/chat-client -f Dockerfile_Client .

Additional Information

Server keys (RSA) are included as the files server_priv.key and server_pub.key. Clients and server use these keys to communicate confidentially. Please generate new RSA key pair for your usage.

Please refer to Protocols.pdf for information about the protocols being used.

There are three clients in the server. Only those three clients can login (There is no registration function). The credentials for those clients are as follows:

Client 1

Username: pridhvi

Password: @iCVqx5^142E

Client 2

Username: animish

Password: #0v2^WZuT&33

Client 3

Username: virat

Password: %Ja5cji4s!fQ