
Set up Ubuntu Server 14.04 as an IKEv2 VPN

Primary LanguageShell



A script to take Ubuntu Server 14.04 from clean install to production-ready IKEv2 VPN with strongSwan. The server is appropriately firewalled and configured for unattended upgrades.

  • VPN server identifies itself with a (free) StartSSL web server certificate
  • VPN users authenticate with username and password (EAP-MSCHAPv2)

VPN configuration is tested working with OS X 10.11.1, Windows 10, iOS 9.1, and the Android strongSwan client.

Comments and pull requests welcomed.


Run ./setup.sh as root and you'll be prompted to enter all the necessary details. You must use a strong password for the login user, or your server will be compromised.

The script assumes you're using a free certificate from StartSSL. You can either have StartSSL create your private key, or you can do the right thing and create your own key and certificate signing request like so:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes \
-out ikev2_example_com.csr \
-keyout ikev2_example_com.key \
-subj "/C=GB/ST=/L=Brighton/O=Joe Bloggs/CN=ikev2.example.com"


We use a similar setup as a corporate VPN at PSYT. And I use this to bounce my personal web browsing via Germany, to give Theresa May's Investigatory Powers Bill the finger.

Why IKEv2?

  • Fair security
  • Built-in clients for latest iOS, Mac and Windows
  • Robust to connection switching and interruptions via MOBIKE

More at e.g. https://www.bestvpn.com/blog/4147/pptp-vs-l2tp-vs-openvpn-vs-sstp-vs-ikev2/