
HTML+CSS to PDF using wkhtmltopdf

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

#This is a fork of original pdfkit but is rewritten to work with newer(>0.10.2) versions of wkhtmltopdf binary


Create PDFs using plain old HTML+CSS. Uses wkhtmltopdf on the back-end which renders HTML using Webkit. Be aware of using versions compatible with new options described in documentation Those versions are (as far as i know) 0.10.2 and higher



    # Gemfile
    gem 'pdfkit', :git=>'git://github.com/prikha/pdfkit.git'

Get Wkhtmltopdf binary version 0.10.2 and higher

Note: Check your version by typing sh wkhtmltopdf --version .


So if you need HEAD version with fully suppoorted options just

  • Grab yourself a copy of fresh wkhtmltopdf
  • Open it and drag to Applications
  • Then cd /usr/local/bin && ln -s /Applications/wkhtmltopdf.app/Contents/MacOS/wkhtmltopdf wkhtmltopdf


    # PDFKit.new takes the HTML and any options for wkhtmltopdf
    # run `wkhtmltopdf --extended-help` for a full list of options
    kit = PDFKit.new(html, :page_size => 'Letter')
    kit.stylesheets << '/path/to/css/file'

    # Get an inline PDF
    pdf = kit.to_pdf

    # Save the PDF to a file
    file = kit.to_file('/path/to/save/pdf')

    # PDFKit.new can optionally accept a URL or a File.
    # Stylesheets can not be added when source is provided as a URL of File.
    kit = PDFKit.new('http://google.com')
    kit = PDFKit.new(File.new('/path/to/html'))

    # Add any kind of option through meta tags
    PDFKit.new('<html><head><meta name="pdfkit-page_size" content="Letter"')


If you're on Windows or you installed wkhtmltopdf by hand to a location other than /usr/local/bin you will need to tell PDFKit where the binary is. You can configure PDFKit like so:

    # config/initializers/pdfkit.rb
    PDFKit.configure do |config|
       config.wkhtmltopdf = '/path/to/wkhtmltopdf'
       config.default_options = {
        #here goes global options
        :print_media_type => true
        :page_size     => 'Letter',
        :margin_top    => '0.7in',
        :margin_right  => '0.5in',
        :margin_bottom => '0.7in',
        :margin_left   => '0.5in',
        :footer_spacing  =>   5,
        :header_spacing  =>   5,
                #here you can specifiy page-specific options
                #every option specified inside html-document
                #inside meta-tags would go here
        :toc => {
                :toc_header_text=>"Custom TOC header",
                :disable_toc_links=> true
       config.root_url = "http://localhost" # Use only if your external hostname is unavailable on the server.


PDFKit comes with a middleware that allows users to get a PDF view of any page on your site by appending .pdf to the URL.

Middleware Setup

Non-Rails Rack apps

    # in config.ru
    require 'pdfkit'
    use PDFKit::Middleware

Rails apps

    # in application.rb(Rails3) or environment.rb(Rails2)
    require 'pdfkit'
    config.middleware.use PDFKit::Middleware

With PDFKit options

    # options will be passed to PDFKit.new
    config.middleware.use PDFKit::Middleware, :print_media_type => true

With conditions to limit routes that can be generated in pdf

    # conditions can be regexps (either one or an array)
    config.middleware.use PDFKit::Middleware, {}, :only => %r[^/public]
    config.middleware.use PDFKit::Middleware, {}, :only => [%r[^/invoice], %r[^/public]]

    # conditions can be strings (either one or an array)
    config.middleware.use PDFKit::Middleware, {}, :only => '/public'
    config.middleware.use PDFKit::Middleware, {}, :only => ['/invoice', '/public']

    # conditions can be regexps (either one or an array)
    config.middleware.use PDFKit::Middleware, {}, :except => [%r[^/prawn], %r[^/secret]]

    # conditions can be strings (either one or an array)
    config.middleware.use PDFKit::Middleware, {}, :except => ['/secret']


  • Single thread issue: In development environments it is common to run a single server process. This can cause issues when rendering your pdf requires wkhtmltopdf to hit your server again (for images, js, css). This is because the resource requests will get blocked by the initial request and the initial request will be waiting on the resource requests causing a deadlock.

    This is usually not an issue in a production environment. To get around this issue you may want to run a server with multiple workers like Passenger or try to embed your resources within your HTML to avoid extra HTTP requests.

  • Resources aren't included in the PDF: Images, CSS, or JavaScript does not seem to be downloading correctly in the PDF. This is due to the fact that wkhtmltopdf does not know where to find those files. Make sure you are using absolute paths (start with forward slash) to your resources. If you are using PDFKit to generate PDFs from a raw HTML source make sure you use complete paths (either file paths or urls including the domain). In restrictive server environments the root_url configuration may be what you are looking for change your asset host.

  • Mangled output in the browser: Be sure that your HTTP response headers specify "Content-Type: application/pdf"

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Any help on issues-fighting(or finding) and testing is highly appreciated


Fork by Sergey Prikhodko originally developed by Jared Pace Copyright (c) 2010. See LICENSE for details.