
This is the code for "AI that Creates AI" By Siraj Raval on Youtube

Primary LanguagePython


Coding Challenge - Due Date, Thursday, Feb 15 at 12 PM PST

Create your own NEAT bot that plays a game of your choice. It could be a simulated environment really. Bonus points for creativity and good documentation. Post your github links in the comment section of the video. Good luck!


This is the code for this video on Youtube by Siraj Raval.

Implementation of the NEAT algorithm for learning an agent to play Flappy Bird.

The game was designed using the pygame library while NEAT was implemented using the Python-NEAT package.

flappyBird2.py : Basic python game. Allows user to play Flappy Bird

flappyBird3.py : Implements NEAT algorithm to train game playing bot ( Neural Network )

testBird.py : Runs 10 runs of a given trained model to evaluate its performance


Credits for this code go to rsk237. I've merely created a wrapper to get people started.