
Tweet aggregator and content curator

Primary LanguageRuby

How to run the app locally

  1. Rename the provided configuration file named .env.sample file to .env and change the settings to your own preferences.

  2. Refer to the documentation on Heroku on how to use the configuration variables on your local machine. devcenter.heroku.com/articles/config-vars

  3. Install dependencies.

    bundle install
  4. Migrate your database.

    rake db:migarte
  5. Populate Twitter followings into database.

    rake maintenance:collect_users
  6. Start the app using foreman

    foreman start --concurrency="web=1,worker=2"
  7. Start the Twitter Stream consumer

    rake maintenance:start_consumer

How to deploying the app on Heroku

  1. Create and push the app to Heroku.

    heroku apps:create my-twitter-app-name
    git push heroku master
  2. Rename the provided configuration file named .env.sample file to .env and change the settings to your own preferences.

  3. Push the configurations to Heroku. For information on how to use the configuration variables on your local machine refer to the documentation on Heroku. devcenter.heroku.com/articles/config-vars

    heroku config:push
  4. Migrate your database.

    heroku rake db:migarte
  5. Populate Twitter followings into database.

    heroku run maintenance:collect_users
  6. Scale your Heroku app to use two workers (one for the API consumer and one for the data processor) and one web process.

    heroku ps:scale worker=2 web=1
  7. Start the Twitter stream consumer

    heroku run rake maintenance:start_consumer