
Grocery Digital Coupon Automation

Primary LanguagePython

Grocery Digital Coupon Automation

Automatically clip digital coupons on food store web sites!

Also available as a web app.

Quick Start

  1. Install the required software for Python (version 3.8.3).
  2. Download the pip script and install it with python get-pip.py
  3. Edit config.ini to include your login information.
  4. Run the script with python client.py shoprite
  • If on Linux, set the permissions of chromedriver to executable.
  • In Windows 10, use an Administrator Command Prompt to run scripts. First run python3 setup.py


The script supports Shoprite, ACME, and Stop and Shop.

  1. python3 client.py
  2. python3 client.py --store shoprite --user username --password password

The full command-line arguments are shown below.

usage: client.py [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--store [STORE]] [--user [USER]]
                 [--password [PASSWORD]]

Grocery Digital Coupons.

optional arguments:
  --help                  Show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG         Config section to read login from.
  --store [STORE]         Store to clip coupons [shoprite, acme, stop_and_shop].
  --user [USER]           Login username or read from config.ini.
  --password [PASSWORD]   Login password or read from config.ini.
  --notify [000-000-0000] Phone number to send a text message summary of results.


Selenium Chrome Driver

Helpful Commands

C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\python -m pip install --trusted-host pypi.org --trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org --upgrade pip
C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\python client.py
alias coupons="cd ~/Documents/grocery-digital-coupons && python3 client.py --store shoprite --config shoprite1 && python3 client.py --store shoprite --config shoprite2"

More Info

What are grocery digital coupons?

My local grocery stores - ShopRite, ACME, and Stop and Shop - have a "digital coupon" feature, by which you can log onto their website and add "digital" coupons to your store loyalty card. If you buy a product and the corresponding digital coupon is added to your loyalty card, you'll save some money upon checkout.

So what's the problem?

The problem is that the digital coupons have to be added manually. If you buy something and the coupon isn't present on your loyalty card at the time of checkout, you won't get the discount.

Wow, that's dumb.


What's the solution?

The script adds all digital coupons to your card each week. Then, you'll automatically get the discount when you buy a product without having to do any legwork.

So how does the script work?

The script uses Selenium to launch the grocery store's website, login with your loyalty card information, and automatically add each available coupon to your card.

Where is my login information saved?

The file config_example.ini contains an example of how to set up the config file. This file will need to be renamed config.ini in order for the script to work.

What's next?

The script supports ShopRite, Acme, and Stop and Shop for now, so the addition of other grocery stories would be great. It appears that Giant's website looks similar to Stop and Shop since they're owned by the same company, so I assume this would be easy to integrate.


You can contact the author, Sheil Naik, on Twitter.