
A web app that generate animations of some sorting algorithm via the web application platform using React.js and plain CSS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sorting Animation Web App

This web app is meant to simulate two type of sorting algorithm, that is bubble sort and merge sort. This project was already deployed here.

App Requirement

This is every applications that mainly used to use and develop this project

  1. Node.js, I personally used v10.16.0
  2. Browser, such as (and recommended too) latest edition of Chrome or Firefox.
  3. IDE or text editor to develop the application, such as Visual Studio Code and Atom.

Library & Buildpack Used

This is library and buildpack that I used for making and deploying (in Heroku) this project

  1. React.js, as Frontend Framework
  2. heroku-cra-node, as buildpack/helper to deploy to Heroku

How to Run

  1. Open your terminal

  2. Navigate to view folder

  3. If you haven't installed the module yet (this step only for first execution/one-time setup), execute this script

     npm build
  4. Execute this script

     npm start
  5. Open the link in localhost with the specified port (the default port is 3000)

How to Use

  1. Type the number that you want to sort, but you must remember this

    1. The number must in range 1 and 999, inclusive.
    2. The numbers you input at most 10 numbers, and of course it is must be greater than zero.

    with each number separated by ; .

  2. Choose the sorting method, bubble or merge.

  3. Input the animation delay (in milisecond(s)), and also remember that the number must be greater that zero.

  4. Click Simulate! button.

  5. Watch the animation and explanation below the option form.

  6. If you wath to change or rewatch the animation (you could interrupt the sorting process, too), repeat the step from 1 until 4.