
EasyEncrypt is a project for a technical interview

Primary LanguageJavaScript


EasyEncrypt is a project for a technical interview.


Develop an application to “encrypt” a string. Present the user a ‘main menu’ of 2 options: 1) Select string encryption method; 2) Exit.

When the user chooses option 1, the program then requests the encryption method: A, B, or C. When one of those choices in entered, the program requests the string to “encrypt”. The string is encrypted based on the selected method as shown below, and then the encrypted string will be printed followed by the original string. The main menu is then displayed again.

The program exits when the user chooses the option 2.

  • Method A: Replace the string with all 'X's.
  • Method B: Replace each char with the char one higher on the ASCII table.
  • Method C: Replace each char with the 3 next highest chars on the ASCII table.