
A GraphQL API for collecting and accessing data about the Primer Design System

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Primer API

Warning: Experimental. Not production ready.

A GraphQL API for collecting and accessing data about the Primer Design System

Data flow

Data flow diagram

Technology stack

Local development

Set up

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone git@github.com:primer/api.git primer-api
    cd primer-api
  2. Run the setup script:

    npm run setup

    This will install and build any necessary dependencies.

  3. Create a .env file in the api directory of the repository with a DATABASE_URL variable:


    The DATABASE_URL variable should be set to a connection string for a PostgreSQL database. Ask @colebemis, @langermank, or @mperrotti for the connection string.

Run locally

  1. Run the start script:

    npm run start

    This will start the following servers locally:

Publish schema changes

  1. Make changes to the database schema in prisma/schema.prisma

  2. Run a migration:

    npm run prisma:migrate