
A CLI based on JSCEP (and JCommander)

Primary LanguageJava


$ git clone git://github.com/asyd/jscep-cli-jdk6.git
$ cd jscep-cli-jdk6
$ mvn package


$ java -jar target/jscepcli-1.3-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Usage: <main class> [options]
        --algorithm             BouncyCastle signature algorithm to use
                                Default: SHA1
        --ca-certificate-file   CACert output file
                                Default: cacert.pem
        --ca-identifier         CA identifier (try AdminCA1 if using a default
                                EJBCA install)
        --certificate-file      Certificate output file
                                Default: cert.pem
  *     --challenge             Challenge password (EJBCA entity password)
        --crl-file              CRL output file
                                Default: crl.pem
        --csr-file              CSR output file
  *     --dn                    Subject DN to request
        --key-file              Private key output file
                                Default: privkey.pem
        --keySize               Size of key, if you want more than 2048, you
                                need the JCE
                                Default: 2048
    -t, --text                  Output PEM-format objects on stdout. (similar to
                                'openssl <cmd> -text')
                                Default: false
  *     --url                   SCEP URL. For EJBCA, use
    -v, --verbose               Verbose output
                                Default: false