
A web app to code collaboratively with voice chat in real time. Discord + coding = Discode

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A platform to share code along with voice rooms.

Live at: http://discode.southeastasia.cloudapp.azure.com/

Setting up dev enviornment


Create a database in your mysql server (local or remote) and get connection information as required in .env.example file. Add these information to .env file.

For migrations, dbmate is being used. Just install dbmate(locally or in docker, whichever you prefer) then to run migrations, just do: dbmate migrate

.env File

Make sure to set up other values in .env file as specified in .env.example

Remaining setup

Now run npm i at root directory and /frontend

To start development server: npm run dev

To start frontend: cd frontend && npm start

Dockerized enviornment (For deployment for now)

Update .env file and change NODE_ENV to production, all other values are available in .env.example Run docker-composer up to build the images and start the containers. Log into mysql discode_mysql_1 and run:

ALTER USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password_you_set_in_env_file';

flush privileges;

Now run migrations from discode_backend_1 container.