
Media player streaming artist tracks using Spotify API

Primary LanguageJava


Media player app streaming songs using Spotify API.

This App is compatible with Android phones and tablets

This project is based on a MVP architecture.

What is implemented in this project?

###- Service: To handle the media player in background. I handle the queue of message inside the service using a HandlerThread. The service sends message back to the activity via broadcast receivers.

###- BroadCast receivers: I used them inside the service to broadcast informations inside my fragments.

###- Pending intents: I used them for broadcast messages with broadcast receivers and also notifications

###- Asynctask: I get artists and artist tracks using the Spotify API which returns me data via JSON format that I parse inside an Asynctask class using retrofit.

###- RecyclerView and CardViews: I bind data receive from the asynctask via a recyclerView Adapter.

###- Notification: I have created a custom notification using RemoteViews to notify the user about the current playing song. The user can go to the next or previous song using that notification

###- Shared Preferences: I used it to save the settings of the user. The user is able to choose his country.

###- Caching: I cache image from the web using Picasso.

###- Sharing: User is able to share songs using a sharedActionProvider

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