MacOS Ubuntu Windows

Giskard test entry

This is a test entry for the Giskard project job application.

The goal of this repository is to provide a solution to the problem described in the link above. The solution is provided in the form of a bin and a server. The bin is a command line tool that takes two json files as arguments and returns the odds of the ship reaching Endor. The server is a web server that exposes a graphql api to get the odds of a ship reaching Endor. The client is a web client that consumes the graphql api and displays the odds of a ship reaching Endor.

The bin and the server are written in rust. The client is written in javascript (Vuejs) The bin and the server are tested on MacOS, Ubuntu and Windows.

How to run the bin

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run chmod +x to make the script executable
  3. Run ./ to install bin and server dependencies
  4. Run bin from anywhere (except for microsoft windows users)

The bin and the server are automatically installed in your path (except windows) when you run the ./ file

$ give-me-the-odds example1/millennium-falcon.json example1/empire.json

*** The rust installation didn't work for you? install rust from ***

How to run the server (in the server directory)

If you followed the steps above, you can run the server or cargo run --bin server from the server directory

$ server 
$ cargo run --bin server 

How to run the tests (in the server directory)

$ cargo test

Test are run when pushin to the repository, you can see the results in the badges above.

How to run the client

please navigate to the client directory and follow the instructions in the file