- aaronhallaertTelevic
- al-ce
- AnoRebel@HackEAC
- arminveresAargau, CH
- artart222Tehran, Iran
- ashish10alexLondon
- bfulopNantes, France
- bryant-the-coderSingapore
- caenriqueXebia Functional
- Cassin01Japan
- chetankokilWalmart
- creativenullfreelancer
- dalecgu
- Dereklee0312Perth, Australia
- dharmx
- folliehiyukiA livable planet in the universe
- Glyphack@flexport
- gmliFrance
- heyn0r
- hlmtre@northern-valley-indian-health
- joshxfi@omsimos
- KevinSilvesterDkIT
- kostafeyTallinn, Estonia
- menash134Karlsruhe, Germany
- mojasp
- ofirgall
- philmein23SureApp
- roland-5
- tarebyteGitHub
- uncomfyhalomacroTRIBE
- ur4ltzKharkiv - Ukraine, Glory to Ukraine
- Utkarsh-khambra
- vmizener
- whackie
- yutkatTokyo, Japan
- zach-wahrerNetography