
API Gateway for the Insightgram. Inisghtgram is a social networking application.

Primary LanguageJava


API Gateway for the Insightgram. Inisghtgram is a social networking application.

🧑🏻‍💻 API Documentation

📚 Discover Our API Documentation with Swagger UI

Welcome to Insightgram's API documentation, powered by Swagger UI! This interactive tool provides you with a clear and user-friendly way to explore and understand our API endpoints.

To access the API documentation:

🚀 For the Deployed App: Visit Deployed App API Documentation Link to dive into our API documentation on the live app.

🖥️ On Your Local Machine: Access http://localhost:PORT_NUMBER/swagger-ui/index.html#/ to explore the API documentation within your local development environment.

📌 Note: Replace "PORT_NUMBER" with your actual local port number.

🖼️ Backend Architecture


🗃️ Tech Stack

  • Core Java: Our foundation for logic building, ensuring a robust and modular application.
  • Spring Boot: Empowering our application with streamlined development and deployment.
  • Microservices Architecture: Designing our application as a suite of independently deployable services.
  • Eureka: Seamlessly integrating with our service registry, ensuring efficient discovery and registration of client services.
  • Railway: Serving as a powerful platform for hosting and deploying our application.

Thank you for taking the time to explore Insightgram's API Gateway. Your feedback and engagement are greatly appreciated. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or suggestions – I'm excited to continue refining and expanding this project. Here's to a brighter, more connected digital world with Insightgram!

Deployed app link: https://insightgram.netlify.app/

Happy coding!

by Prince Kumar