Fortran Miscellaneous UTILities

Primary LanguageFortranApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Fortran Miscellaneous UTILities


Bharat Mahajan (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bharat_Mahajan2)


FMUTIL is a modern object-oriented Fortran library that provides (as of now):

  • Data structures
    • Vector (similar to C++ STL Vectors) with fast vector slicing
    • List (similar to Python List)
  • Root-finding algorithms
    • Polynomial roots by computing eigenvalues of the companion matirx (require Intel MKL)
    • Roots of a nonlinear equation using Brent's algorithm
  • A simple binary search method for sorted arrays



How to Use

  • For Vector data structure of any type, define the type of the Vector element and the assignment operation as follows.

        module TestModule
        use FMUtil
        type, extends(VecElem) :: relem
            real :: rdata
            procedure :: AssignVecElem => assign_relem
        end type relem
        subroutine assign_relem(lhs, rhs)
            implicit none
            class(relem), intent(out) :: lhs
            class(VecElem), intent(in) :: rhs
            select type (rhs)
            class is (relem)
                lhs%rdata = rhs%rdata
            end select    
        end subroutine assign_relem
        end module TestModule
  • Then, use Vector using

        program Test
        use FMUtil
        use TestModule
        integer :: ctr
        type(Vector) :: vec
        type(relem) :: rd1, rd2
        rd1%rdata = 3.1416
        ctr = vec%PushBack(rd1)    
        rd1%rdata = 2.718
        call vec%Insert(2,[rd1, rd1])
        do ctr = 1, vec%Size()
            rd2 = vec%ElemAt(ctr)
            print *, 'int(', ctr, ')=', rd2%rdata        
        end do    
        end program Test
  • List can be used as

        program Test
        use FMUtil
        integer :: ctr
        type(List) :: list
        class(*), allocatable :: item
        type(relem) :: rd1
        rd1%rdata = 3.1416
        ctr = list%PushBack(100)
        ctr = list%PushBack(rd1)
        ctr = list%PushBack(rd1%rdata)
        ctr = list%Insert(3,'pi')    
        do ctr = 1, list%Size()
            item = list%Item(ctr)
            select type (item)
            type is (real)
                print *, item
            type is (relem)
                print *, item
            type is (integer)
                print *, item
            type is (chanracter(len=*))
                print *, item
            end select
        end do  
        end program Test  
  • See the test program files, test.f90 and testmod.f90, in tests folder for more features and functionality.


FMUTIL is tested with Intel Fortran Compiler and MinGW-W64 gfortran (8.1.0) on Windows platofrm only. Doxyfile is provided for generating extensive API documentation using Doxygen. FMUTIL has only dependency on Intel MKL for polynomial root-finding. The CMakeLists file is provided along with additional CMake modules for compiler options and a Find module for finding and linking Intel MKL is also provided. These files can be used to auto generate Visual Studio projects or makefiles on Windows and Linux using CMake. A find module for FMUTIL is provided that generates CMake config files for easily linking FMUTIL using the find_package() command. The steps to link FMUTIL in cmake-based projects are:

  • Set the environment variable "MKLROOT" with the path to the Intel MKL installation directory. On typical Windows system, it looks something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2019.0.117\windows\mkl"

  • Set the environment variable "IFORT_COMPILER20" with the path to the Fortran Compiler installation directory. On typical Windows system, it looks something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2020\windows"

  • In cmake GUI or command-line, set FMUTIL_INSTALL_LIB_DIR to the desired directory, where the compiled library, modules, and cmake config files will be installed.

  • In cmake GUI or command-line, set FMUTIL_INSTALL_BIN_DIR to the desired directory, where the compiled test executables will be installed.

  • In your project CMakeLists.txt, insert

        target_link_libraries(<YOUR_TARGET_NAME> FMUTIL::FMUTIL)