
Ngx (Angular2+) HTML Syntax for SublimeText

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Ngx (Angular2+) HTML Syntax for SublimeText

based on the official sublime html syntax


So that it's not broken when there are

  • [input]
  • [@animation]
  • (output)
  • (@animation.event)
  • #reference
  • *template
  • [(bananaBox)]

attributes on the tags


Highlighting the JS part as JS. So,

  • in [myBinding]="myVar", you should see myVar as an JS variable instead of string content
    • i.e. myVar should be highlighted differently from "s
  • in *ngFor="let column of columns", you should see let and of highlighted as keywords
  • in (change)="update()", you should see update as function name
  • in a && b within an Angular expression, you should see && correctly highlighted as the JS operator instead of an error you would see in normal HTML syntax.
  • in {{1 + 2}} interpolations, you should see JS syntax highlighting as well


Now it supports Angular control flow.

@let myVar = myObservable | async;
@for (item of items) {
  <a [href]="item.link">{{item.title}}</a>
} @empty {
  <p>No Items</p>
@if (users$ | async; as users) {
  {{ users.length }}
@if (a > b) {
  {{a}} is greater than {{b}}
} @else if (b > a) {
  {{a}} is less than {{b}}
} @else {
  {{a}} is equal to {{b}}
@switch (condition) {
  @case (caseA) {
    Case A.
  @case (caseB) {
    Case B.
  @default {
    Default case.

How to use

The syntax is listed as Ngx HTML in Sublime syntax selection list.

I personaly use ApplySyntax plugin with the following setting:

"syntaxes": [
        "syntax": "Ngx HTML/NgxHTML",
        "extensions": ["component.html"],

You could use it in other ways... e.g. set it as the default syntax for all html files, since it's a superset of the html syntax anyway.