
Features Implemented

  1. MVC Architecture Applied.
  2. Used Express.js a node.js web application framework.
  3. Path- middleware/upload.js: initializes Multer Storage engine and defines middleware function to save uploaded files in uploads folder.
  4. Path- resources/static/assets/uploads: folder for storing uploaded files.
  5. Path- routes/index.js: defines routes for endpoints that is called from HTTP Client, use controller to handle requests.
  6. Path- server.js: initializes routes, runs Express app.

Contains RestAPIs which performs CRUD operations

Install node modules

npm install

Start Server

npm start

Use Postman API tool to hit the routes and perform operations on this API.

To Upload any files to the Disk

POST http://localhost:8080/upload

To Fetch any file from the Disk

GET http://localhost:8080/file/{FILE_NAME.FORMAT}

To Fetch all files uploaded on the Disk

GET http://localhost:8080/files

To Remove any file from the Disk

DELETE http://localhost:8080/files/{FILE_NAME.FORMAT}