
Just A Website using JS,CSS,HTML

Primary LanguageCSS


components(HTML/CSS) :-

    ● Multiple Pages (Linked to each other by hyperlinks)
    ● Include 2-3 images on some of the pages.
        ○ At least one of your images must be locally stored.
        ○ At least one of them from some external link.
    ● Must link to at least 2 external websites that open in a new tab.
    ● Each page must havea background image or color
    ● You should have used at least one table which makes use of merged table cells.

Component(JavaScript) :-

    ● Navigation bar must stick to the top on scrolling.
    ● “Go to top” button should be a part of the website.
    ● On one of the pages, (kind of a reference page) create a form that lets others
     add your skill and its rating (a mechanism where someone you know tells something
     about you). It may be preferred to use drop down here. Use an array and a
     dictionary to store this data.Display it in the form of a table on the same
     webpage. Store 4 attributes (name of the person who is adding the skill, the
     skill, its level). Level: {Proficient, Intermediate, Beginner}.
    ● The first row means that John says you are intermediate in HTML with a comment.
    ● Display a set of 5 images that change on clicking the image (The next image 
     should be shown only on clicking the current image). Also, clicking 5th image
     should lead to 1st image.
    ● Create a visitor tracker for the page which counts the number of visits that has
     been made to your website. The tracker should work for the home page only.