- [Task#1]
- [part(a)]
- [part(b)]
- [Task#2]
- [part(a)]
- [part(b)]
- [part(c)]
- [Bonus]
waitx function :
unit of time = # of ticks
Defined variables in the proc stat : a) stime {start_time} b) etime {end_time} c) rtime {run_time}
in proc.c :-
// in waitx function
*rtime = p->rtime; //rtime = run_time = p->rtime
*wtime = p->etime; //*wtime = end-time
sub_time = p->stime + p->rtime; //time to be subtracted from *wtime
*wtime = *wtime - sub_time; //subtract sub_time from wtime
//in updateRuntime function called from trap.c
//for updating r-time if process is running
for (p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++)
if (p->state == RUNNING)
//all of them are updating in allocproc while creating the processes
//etime updated in exit function
The ps function :
The ps function in proc.c is the implementation of ps syscall In this function i used if else to check for the state of the processes and print the proc stat variables as needed. The wait time in ps function differs from wait time of waitx as sleeping time is counted in waitx while sleeping time not counted in ps function.
Logic :- looped over the queue if the function comes out to be runnable then just
ran over it, if the process leaves the cpu then next process is executed
For example a PC with 2 cpu cores can run only two process max at a time
not more then that.The algorithm used is non-preemtive.
for (;;)
struct proc *temp_proc = 0;
struct proc *selected_one = 0;
for (p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++)
if (!(p->state == RUNNABLE))
if (!temp_proc)
temp_proc = p;
if (temp_proc->stime > p->stime)
temp_proc = p;
selected_one = temp_proc;
if (selected_one) // here running the selected process
c->proc = selected_one;
selected_one->state = RUNNING;
swtch(&(c->scheduler), selected_one->context);
c->proc = 0;
Logic :- Looped over the queue of processes to find the process with maximum
priority if the process with maximum priority is found then its is
being executed, if more then one such processes with same priority
then then RR is used else the process with max priority is given
priviledge, in the previously executed Round Robin(xv6's real schedular).
if some new process comes with lower priority then the sedular restart
and again executes in the previous way,but with new max priority.The
algorithm used is non-preemtive.In this scheduling algo the process with
least value of proc->priority (i.e. highest actual priority) is given
high priviledge.That means if there's a high priority in the queue then
it'll be executed first. then others will be executed.One important thing
the priority are not given to the processes they are treated equally,
Checker is expected to give priority using setPriority function.
code :-
void scheduler(void)
struct cpu *c = mycpu();
c->proc = 0;
struct proc *p;
for (;;)
struct proc *highP = 0;
struct proc *tempP = 0;
for (p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++)
if (!(p->state == RUNNABLE))
highP = p;
for (struct proc *p1 = ptable.proc; p1 < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p1++)
if (p1->state != RUNNABLE)
if (!highP)
highP = p;
if (highP->priority > p1->priority)
highP = p1;
tempP = highP;
int storeP = tempP->priority;
c->proc = tempP;
tempP->state = RUNNING;
swtch(&(c->scheduler), tempP->context);
c->proc = 0;
highP = p;
for (struct proc *p1 = ptable.proc; p1 < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p1++)
if (p1->state != RUNNABLE)
if (!highP)
highP = p;
if (highP->priority > p1->priority)
highP = p1;
if (highP->priority < storeP)
Logic :- The logic is simple loop over all the proc-stat and find the RUNNABLE
processes and move it to q0 ,i did this with all of the processes.On
running the processes I, first ran the processes present in the queue
0. If a process needs then 1 tick to finish it is moved ,to next queue
else executed there.This again happens with all the processes present
on the queues. Now since i,have implemented aging (the ticks array =
[1,2,4,8,16] for decrement in the queue level i.e from high priority
to low priority) and if a process waits to much then it's moved up
the priority queue (ticks array = [86, 85, 84, 83, 82] for 0,1,2,3,4
queue's respectively). Different functions are defined like push,pop
getfront,getback,to make it easy on working woth the queue. A process
in each queue is given same priority [15,35,55,75,95] for 0,1,2,3,4
queue's respectively. For all the processes on the same queue Round
Robin is used. After completion of ticks limit for that queue the
process is exited and again put back into the queue to execute.
The code is made readable and understandable by even showing the
condition statement that were not required to be show.
code :-
void scheduler(void)
struct cpu *c = mycpu();
c->proc = 0;
struct proc *p;
for (;;)
struct proc *alottedP = 0;
for (p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++)
if (!(p->state == RUNNABLE))
if (p->state == RUNNABLE && p > 0)
if (!(get_queue_inx(p) == -1))
if (!total_size_of_queues[get_queue_inx(p)])
push(get_queue_inx(p), p);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
while (total_size_of_queues[i] > 0)
struct proc *p = getFront(i);
if (!check_proc(p))
alottedP = p;
p = 0;
if (!alottedP)
if (alottedP)
c->proc = alottedP;
alottedP->latestQTime = ticks;
alottedP->num_run += 1;
if (!(alottedP->state == RUNNING))
alottedP->state = RUNNING;
swtch(&(c->scheduler), alottedP->context);
int val_variable1 = ticks - alottedP->latestQTime;
int procTcks = val_variable1;
int queueinx_p = get_queue_inx(alottedP);
int var_flag1 = alottedP->state == RUNNABLE && procTcks > 0;
if ((alottedP->state == SLEEPING) || ((procTcks < (1 << queueinx_p)) && var_flag1))
dec_priority_func(alottedP, 1);
else if ((procTcks == (1 << queueinx_p)) && alottedP->state == RUNNABLE)
dec_priority_func(alottedP, 0);
c->proc = 0;
graphs :-
graph_with_cpu1 :
Graph of benchmark function with just one cpu, Command used :
make qemu-nox SCHEDULER=MLFQ CPUS=1
Explanation :
In this graph a dip of queue is seen because of the difference
of last executed tick and the current ticks exceeds a particular
value (which is different for every queue) and because of this
the process got promoted to high priority queue and got executed
imidiately after the previous process completes its allowed tick
in the queue.
graph_with_cpu2 :
Graph of benchmark function with 2 cpu's, Command used :
make qemu-nox SCHEDULER=MLFQ CPUS=2
Explanation :
In this graph no promotion of processes are seen as threre are two
cpu's to satisfy them hence there was less chance of being able to
cross the limit to get promoted hence smooth sailing graph.
graph_with_changed_ticks :
Graph of benchmark function with 1 cpu's, Command used :
make qemu-nox SCHEDULER=MLFQ CPUS=1
Explanation :
Here I decreased the limit on number of ticks to get promoted to higher
level queue and hence because of which such an incredible behavious is
seen with processes being getting allocated between queue 1, 2 & 3
instead of being only in queue 4.