
Implementation of a log indexing and search utility

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Log indexing and search utilities. Licenced under MIT Licence


The module aim to be able to index and search logs at production scale.

The aim of this project is to be able to manage over 1 billion logs on a single node instance, providing reasonable ingestion and query time. This have been tested so far on over 100M logs with very good response and query times.

Several utilities are bundled:

  • A Dockerfile and compose to provide and initialize basic test local infrastructure (rabbittmq, timescaledb) and lauch the app without any install (other than docker)
  • A ingest/ingest-rust project with three binaries
    • a small python utility to generate dummy json logs
    • a light agent that transfers stdin into rabbitmq (logdog-producer)
    • an ingest json logs utility which reads rabbitmq and inserts to timescaledb at amazing speeds (logdog-consumer, measured 30k logs per second)
  • A web engine to query the logs, that have a backend (logsearcher-server) and a frontend in vue (logsearcher)

Used together, they can make a small DIY solution to gather logs from several sources and providing analytics display, with enough performance to handle over a million log a day on a reasonably small virtual host.


  • Run the log infrastructure through docker compose -d
  • Run logsearcher server through cargo run in logsearcher-server directory
  • Run logsearcher front through npm run dev in logsearcher directory
  • Start ingesting some logs, by running teh consumer in ingest/rust (cargo run --bin logdog-consumer then, in src, python generate_logs.py | cargo run --bin logdog-producer)
  • Explore them in the view.


Request features or fixes through this github issues.