
Using A* search to guide Spheros

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Video Example

R2D2 + A*


# clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/josephcappadona/sphero-project.git
cd sphero-project

# install python dependencies
python3.7 -m pip install numpy pygame pynput

# setup node.js
cd src
bash setup_node_mac.sh
cd ..

# install JS packages
cd spherov2.js
yarn install

Drive Mode Setup

Drive mode allows you to control a droid in real time using your keyboard. Due to security reasons, on Mac OS, a few steps are needed to set this up to allow Python to interpret keystrokes.

  1. Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy tab -> Accessibility.

  2. Click the lock in the bottom left and enter your password to make changes.

  3. Click the plus icon. Navigate to your Python 3.7 installation. This will likely be at /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/Python/. If not, type which python3.7 in Terminal to find the location (you will want the Python file at the same level as the bin folder you find). Click the Python file, then click Open.

  4. Click the plus icon again. Navigate to the same location as in Step 3, except this time, go into the Resources folder, select the Python application there, and click Open.

  5. Click the plus icon again. Navigate to your terminal program. If you're using the default system terminal, this will be located at /Applications/Utilities/Terminal. Select the program, then click Open.

  6. Make sure all programs you added are checked, and click the lock in the bottom left to save changes.

For usage, see the Usage - Drive Mode below.

Note: If you use a terminal session manager such as tmux, you will also need to add that executable to Accessibility controls.


Start Server

cd sphero-project/spherov2.js/examples
sudo yarn server  # must use sudo to access bluetooth adapter

Start Client

Navigate to sphero-project/src, and in python3.7 REPL:

from client import DroidClient
droid = DroidClient()

# or droid.connect_to_R2D2()
# or droid.connect_to_R2Q5()
# or droid.connect_to_any()

droid.set_front_LED_color(255, 255, 0)
droid.set_back_LED_color(0, 255, 255)

droid.roll(0.5, 180, 2)  # drive at half speed, at a 180deg heading, for 2 seconds
droid.set_stance(2)  # transition back to bipod

from maneuver import follow_path
path = [(0,0), (0,1), (1,1), (1,2), (2,2), (2,3), (3,3), (3,0), (0,0)]
follow_path(droid, path, 0x88, scale_dist=0.5)


Drive Mode

Navigate to the project src folder and start up Python with sudo: sudo python3.7. You can then enter drive mode like this:

from client import DroidClient
r2 = DroidClient()
r2 = r2.connect_to_R2D2()

The controls are:

UP = increase speed 0.1
DOWN = decrease speed 0.1
LEFT = adjust heading left 15°
RIGHT = adjust heading right 15°
SHIFT = speed/heading adjustment modifier,
            changes speed adjustment to 0.25,
            changes heading adjustment to 45°
S = stop droid (brings speed to 0)
ESC = exit drive mode


Should you change any of the spherov2.js/lib files, you must rebuild the library:

cd sphero-project/spherov2.js/lib
yarn rebuild


  • implement GUI
  • document interface properly
  • move spherov2.js into a lib folder
  • create scripts to start the server for simplicity (?)